Questions Cardinal should ask on Easter Sunday attacks

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by Shenali Waduge · 3rd May 2022

The Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has every right to ask questions & seek answers. It has been 3 years since the attacks but unlike in the case of LTTE attacks, the Cardinal must be happy that the AG’s department are preparing to file charges against 79. However, what is more important than floating any conspiracy theories is the manner intentional neglect of national security, closure of intel units & unwarranted arrest of intel officers left Sri Lanka vulnerable & open to extremisms in a country that did not see a single suicide attack since May 2009 until April 2019.

Why Churches?

  • Most important question the Cardinal should ask is why Churches?
  • Why did 8 Islamic extremists target 3 churches?
  • What does ISIS-Zaharan & Team have to do with churches?

Why Shangri-la

  • 3 Hotels were targeted – why send 2 suicide bombers to one hotel (Shangri-la) – what was more important about Shangri-la hotel than Cinnamon Grand hotel or Kingsbury hotel?

What did Foreign Intel find

  • What were the findings of the foreign intelligence teams that landed in Sri Lanka immediately after the attacks? Interpol arrived in Sri Lanka on 22nd April 2019 & FBI & UK Counter Terrorism Police arrive on 24th April 2019. UN Counter Terrorism experts arrive on 30th April
  • Cardinal should also if National Thowheed Jamaath was connected to foreign countries/intel units & if they were also involved?

What about swords in mosques

  • Why were swords kept in mosques & homes?
  • Why were detonators and other explosives found all-round the island

Why yahapalana neglected national security

  • Why yahapalana government neglected the security apparatus & made it vulnerable?
  • Why Cardinal does not demand answer from the President Sirisena & Prime Minister Ranil who are now pretending they knew nothing – they are one’s that had to give orders for action to be taken.
  • On 22nd April 2019 – the then PM Ranil W said that the Govt was alerted of the attacks before the bombings – why is the Cardinal not holding PM Ranil accountable? The PM went on to say that joining foreign terrorist groups is not against Sri Lankan law (SKY News interview) on 26th April 2019. PM apologizes for failing to prevent Easter Sunday attacks on 27th April – exactly a week after attacks.
  • On 23rd April 2019 – the President admitted to lapses – why is the Cardinal not holding President Sirisena accountable?

Why MPs/Diplomats did not tell Cardinal (or did they?)

  • Former SIS head Nilantha Jayawardena says even diplomats, Harin Fernando & entire Parliament knew about an impending attack – WHY DIDN’T THEY INFORM the CARDINAL?
  • Why isn’t Harin who is a Catholic held accountable for his silence even after knowing that the St. Anthony’s church was to become a target by religious extremists?
  • Cardinal should also ask about the 2 US Govt employees detected at Hilton Colombo Residence – where sniffer dogs found explosives in their apartment. 5 US officials checked in to the hotel with 6 boxes on 30 July 2019 & they refused to allow the boxes to be scanned. These were put into a US embassy vehicle & taken. MP Weerawansa questioned why the boxes remained while the foreigners flew off.
  • Why doesn’t Cardinal question how the most powerful country in the world who are carrying out a war on Islamic terrorism was unaware of such an intricate plot on churches & hotels as the US envoy Teplitz says US had ‘no prior knowledge’ of attacks on 24th April 2009. But the same envoy who says US did not have prior intel of the attacks suddenly says on 24th April that more attacks may happen!

Muslims/ISIS involved

  • Why did MP Hizbulla meet Saudi officials just after the attacks?
  • Cardinal should question yahapalana government as to closure of intelligence units tasked to shadow suspected jihadi groups while imprisoning intelligence officers without framing charges.
  • What is the Cardinal’s comment on ISIS being responsible as they admitted responsibility on 23rdApril even releasing pictures of the suicide bombers after Defense Minister Ruwan Wijewardena declared the attack was a revenge attack for New Zealand mosque killing. Zaharan’s tape also refers to New Zealand mosque attack. ISIS suspect gives advance warning – Indian report
  • Why is the Cardinal not asking Ruwan Wijewardena who on 22nd April said the attack was a revenge attack for New Zealand mosque killing and then on 24th April he says attacks were by a ‘splinter group’ of the NTJ
  • Why doesn’t Cardinal wish to know what role Bathurdeen’s brother who was deported from Dubai and arrested by CCD on 25th April 2019 had with the suicide bombers
  • Why doesn’t the Cardinal question the Negombo Deputy Mayor who was arrested possessing a sword, dagger and 37 mobile phone batteries on 27th April
  • Why doesn’t Cardinal question Chandrika Bandaranaike who said that some Arabic & Madrassa schools are teaching extremism on 28th April & ask her for evidence. Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs Director M R M Malik on 3rd May says there are 1669 Islam ‘madrassas’ & 317 Arabic schools registered under the Dept of Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs – how many are illegal
  • Did the Cardinal question MP Kadar Masthan & why he was calling for a general amnesty for the suspects on 10th May 2019?


  • Is the Cardinal following up on Moh. Nawshad former Wattala-Mahabage Municipal Chairman also member of NTJ who fled the country on 29th April 2019
  • Is the Cardinal following up on the Jamia Manarul Huda Arabic College in which mobile phones, books containing activities of LTTE was recovered on 29 April?
  • Is the Cardinal following up on MP Dayasiri Jayasekera’s allegation on 29th April that Muslim Affairs Minister Haleem allowed construction of 400 NTJ mosques & where these mosques are located & who is funding them
  • Is the Cardinal following up on the arrest of Kotte Municipal Councillor H M Ali Usman & brother Raja Mohideen Sultan who were arrested with 3 swords and a machete knife on 30th April
  • Is the Cardinal following up on the 2 officials of the Eastern Province Governors office arrested with T-56 bullets on 30th April (N M A Kareem -Asst Manager & M I Nazar – Public Relations Officer)
  • Is the Cardinal following up on the arrest of Bathurdeen’s coordinating Secretary Mohamed Zanus on 30th April as he was also the Chairman of the Mantai West Cooperative Society.
  • Is the Cardinal also following up on Alahudeen uncle of Bathurdeen and ACMC Treasurer, whose daughter was married to suicide bomber Ilham & who died in the house in Dematagoda.
  • Is the Cardinal also following up on Mohammed Marzuk Rizli security officer of then Governor Hizbulla who was arrested but given bail on 30th On 10th May 2019 a hartal was held in Trincomalee with people demanding the removal of Hizbulla
  • Is the Cardinal following up on the raid on a house in Thalapitiya, Galle on 6th May in which 1000 military uniforms, weapons were found while on 8th May Rs3m worth of military uniforms were found in Matale.
  • Is the Cardinal also following up on why US suddenly takes 9 judges to US with MP Gammanpila announcing their names in Parliament.

Shenali D Waduge