The United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has officially declare North-East as the Tamil homeland of Sri Lanka

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Sudath Gunasekara

Dear all,

I draw your serious attention to the following news item where the The United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Sri Lanka has declared the North – East as the Tamil homeland in Sri Lanka. Apparently he seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Tamil Homeland is found in South India where 70 million Tamils live and not in Sri Lanka.

Tamil guardian Wednesday, 27 December 2017


Tamils in North-East remember tsunami victims

Tamils in the North-East held memorials for the 35,000 people that perished during the catastrophic tsunami that hit the coasts of the North-East and South of the island of Sri Lanka, thirteen years ago.

The United Nation High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) said five days after the disaster that almost two thirds of those killed across the island were in the Tamil homeland of the North-East.

Families of the victims gathered at the public memorial in Uduththurai, Jaffna on Monday to mourn their loved ones. Services were also held in several other districts as well as at the University of Jaffna.

Uduthurai (including above)

Now we must ask the Government (if there is one in this country) whether it is going to question the High Commissioner as to why he made this undiplomatic and controversial statement. What authority he has got to make such irrelevant and illegal statement as a member of an international Organization, unless he is a part and parcel of LTTE or a person who is espousing the cause of EELAM in Sri Lanka. We have no quarrel with anyone supporting the LTTE cause, but certainly a diplomat belonging and representing a UN agency where Sri Lanka is also a member should never make such statements. For a diplomat representing a UN agency where Sri Lanka is also a member this is a blatant and brazen violation of all diplomatic norms, actually tantamount to treachery and a serious interference against the sovereignty and independence of a free nation. Since the Government has so far not responded to this news item it is presumed that the Government country for its part does not think so. This is a very dangerous situation.

The Government must reprimand the HC and deport him immediately for overstepping his diplomatic boundaries and for supporting and instigating Tamil separatism in this country which the Sri Lanka Government has successfully defeated in May 2009. Even if the Government keep mum over this issue, one should not get surprised when you look at the way how it has acted and behaved treacherously and meekly over the past three years in office

Anyway all patriotic citizens must demand the government to take action immediately on this matter and deport this diplomat so that all others in similar position will also learn a lesson. If the Government cannot take such strict measures on a serious and crucial matter like this concerning the independence and sovereignty of this country then it has no right to be in office even for a second.