Rajitha’s personal medical bill Rs 10 M – JVP

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Sudath Gunasekara 24.8.2017.

Dear readers I copy the following news item flashed in the CT of Aug 24 2017 for your serious consideration and open your eyes on the mega robberies committed by our politicians with impunity

The JVP in Parliament yesterday charged the Government was boasting of high level State medical facilities, while its own Health Minister seeks medical treatment in a foreign nation.

Chief Opposition Whip and Leader of the JVP, MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake, while moving an adjournment motion on the plight of those affected by the prevailing drought, said that affected farming families were suffering due to a lack of medicines at State Hospitals.

“Thousands of farming families are in dire need of affordable medical care but State Hospitals are ill equipped, compelling one of the most vulnerable groups of society to buy medicines from private pharmacies at excessive prices,” the Chief Opposition Whip said.

Minister of Health Rajitha Seneratne: “Where are these hospitals with a shortage of medicines?”

Chief Opposition Whip: “Moneragala.”

Minister Seneratne: “I will immediately conduct an investigation into the work of the director of that hospital.”

Chief Opposition Whip: “The Government brags that our State Hospitals were at optimal conditions and that all laboratory services are provided free of charge. Why then are there countless numbers of private laboratories surrounding State Hospitals to analyse blood and urine? If Government hospitals have enough stocks of medicines, why are there so many private pharmacies near State Hospitals? In the past we had funeral parlours and casket houses near hospitals because hospitals didn’t provide coffins for deceased patients during those times.Today we have scores of private pharmacies and laboratories providing the same services the Government claims State Hospitals provide free of charge.”

At this point Minister Seneratne attempted to respond but the Chief Opposition Whip continued his tirade. “If State Hospitals offer the best medical care, why then did the Minister withdraw Rs 10 million from the President’s fund to go to Singapore to procure treatment at Mount Elizabeth Hospital? What kind of beggar is he?”

Opposition were seen shouting criticism at Minister Seneratne and Speaker Karu Jayasuriya called on the House to maintain order.

Chief Opposition Whip: “Why should I sit down? This is my allocated time. Ask the Minister to sit down. Why is he barking like a dog? While he was the Minister of Fisheries he rented the Mutwal Fisheries Harbour at an estimated Rs 1.7 million a month but he gave it away for a mere Rs 125,000 per month for 300 months. When the Bribery Commission was investigating the matter he got the President to transfer the commissioner.

He has put his brother-in-law to head the Ayurvedic Corporation. His wife is giving appointments. He is a thief. Do not make me speak more of your misdeeds. The Minister lost Parliament seat because of his business. He should worship Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe for giving him a Parliament seat through the National List.

He is the only person who lost his MP post because of his business. Ask him to sit down. Today the Health sector is in ruin. Villagers die because they do not have the money to buy medicine from private pharmacies. Farmers are suffering from Chronic Kidney disease.

look at the Kind of Ministers in this Yahapalanaay Government

In the first place, why the hell a corrupt politician like this should spend in millions of public/tax payers like this to save the life of this type of rouges. Had they being allowed to the country would have been cleaner thousand times than today die Apart from that what action these bloody Governments have taken against these rouges who are a veritable burden and a curse to the nation who have destroyed the country for 70 years from 1948.

On the other hand a poor man or a one who has toiled for 30—40 years in the service of the nation gets only a maximum of Rs 150,000 from the Presidents Fund, and that is also after pleading and begging for months But we call it a Government of the people, for the people and of the People. This is not the only man who has got such big money form the President Fund. I can list the names of many who have gone all over the world to countries like USA, Australia, UK, Singapore India and many others. None of them in my opinion has done 10 cents worth of service to the people or the country. Majority of them have only got a super luxury job, perhaps without any qualification or education to hold such exalted positions

Just see the stinging CB scam, not only the biggest robbery in Sri Lanka  but as observers say one of the biggest in the world. The present Prime Minister is the Father, God Father, mentor as well as the guardian and the key man who protect the Ex- Governor CB and his son in law. But sadly the President has failed to take any action against him. This is only one case. He may be not taking any action against these rouges for political expediency and his own grey political survival.  It is a tragedy that he does not realize that they want be in power for ever. What will happen the day another government comes to power may be beyond imagination.

Apart from punishing these politicians the people don’t have even a recalling power as they have in other countries. Under the prevailing system no one get defeated at elections. Even if they get defeated what harm? The Government in power get them appointed to Parliament though the So-called anti-national list. So they become masters of robbing public money with the experience they get over the years.

Normally politicians all over the world are corrupt with very rare exceptions. But I don’t think we have a more corrupt and more selfish and self-centered gang of politricians who can beat ours, in the whole universe. Should we ever remain complacent thinking ‘ A country gets the leaders it deserves’?

But one thing is certain we can never move forward as a nation without a patriotic, honest and visionary political leadership deeply imbibed with the Buddhist perception and principles of statecraft that had guided this nation for the past 2600 years.

What I can’t understand is as to why the masses want rise against these dishonest, corrupt and rogue politicians and start a  mass agitations against all those  who openly flout all known human values. Should it be a Russian model Revolution or a French model one or an entirely a new Sri Lankan model revolution led by the Mahasangha , I leave it for the patriotic readers to think.