Governors, CMs favour abolition of Concurrent List, Austin Fernando  Isura Devapriya and Niluka Ekanayake  (Apr 8, 2017 Nation)

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara Ex Secretary to PM. MRS Sirimavo Bandaranaike and President Mahanuwara Sinhala Bauddha Jesta Puravesiyange Sanvidhanaya. 17 4. 2017.

Their’s is like the seven blind men describing the elephant

Each one of these three persons is looking at Provincial Councils as the seven blind men describing the elephant after feeling different parts of the animal with their hands. You all know how they described the elephant. Similarly all these political henchmen calling themselves Governors or Ministers carefully use words to defend the system. Because, It is their bread and butter. What other better princely job could they get with so much of luxuries without doing any work perhaps without any qualification

None of them look at PCC from the angle of a subject citizen who see this system as a big curse and a colossal white elephant to the country. None of them see the wastage, clumsiness, overlapping, duplication and the useless ness of having this system which has made governance in this country an Augean mess since it was started in 1987. Not only PCC have destabilized the country’s governance but has already laid the foundation to a Federal structure and has fully served the hidden objective of the Indian Government had in mind when they force it down the thought of JR to sign the 1987 Rajiv /JR Accord and imposed the 13th Amendment to create the latest Sothern most State of the Indian Empire, perhaps that might end up as an annex of Tamilnadu.

I ask not only these three parasitic political appointees but all other Governors, Chief Ministers/Ministers and Provincial Councilors and all citizens of this country as to what contribution these Provincial Councils have made to this country, other than providing  employment and princely luxuries to these political rejects and misfits at Parliamentary elections and other third grade politician and lackies, for their families since their inception in 1987 at the expense of the tax payers to suck the blood of the masses

I ask these people who try to defend this system tooth and nail as to what service these Councils have done over the past 30 years other than providing a stage and a world of luxuries with the best of official residences with all facilities and luxury vehicles in addition to duty free vehicle permit worth 3, 4 millions once in every five years and  full salary as alifetime pension for robbing the nation etc for these political parasites and wring worms to attend sport meets and prize giving at schools, funerals,  foundation stone laying ceremonies and openings of work often done by others, weddings, Pinkamas, dane ceremonies in temples to show off, meetings and rallies organized by the their political parties and also collect traveling and subsistence while subsisting on others, at the expense of tax payer’s money and the privilege of going on pleasure trips abroad and getting duty free princely vehicle and practically everything under the sun just for carrying firewood and water for the leaders and collecting votes at elections and commissions throughout. This system had been bleeding the country and the nation to death for the past 30 years.

As none in this ‘monkey cage’ called Parliament will ever call for it’s abolition for obvious reasons, as ‘it is their bread and butter’, Ranil, the leader of this team of Alibaba and the 225  thieves is now going round the world selling Hambantota and Colombo to China, Trinco and the whole country to India,  and the hill country , North and East to Tamils at Home..

The whole country must rise up in one voice and force the President to abolish this Jatika Huniyama  before it finally gobble up this whole nation, built up by our ancestors on their sweat and blood. If the president also fail to respond then there is only one alternative left, that is to chase out all these parasites out of office and hand over the country to a set of leaders who are prepared to

The people of this country should as the last resort surround the temples of Mhanayaka Theras and demand them to get up from the deep slumber in which they are languishing and take the leadership in this mass movement, in the name of this country and the nation.


Governors, CMs favour abolition of Concurrent List

By Ruwan Laknath Jayakody –

Apr 8, 2017 Nation

Austin Fernando | Isura Devapriya | Niluka Ekanayake

Both, Provincial Governors and Provincial Chief Ministers expressed favour with regard to the abolition of the Concurrent List.

Among the Provincial Governors include those affiliated to the ruling United National Party government while among the Chief Ministers are those affiliated to the governing Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution contains

List I, which is the Provincial Councils List (the subjects under this have been fully devolved to the Provinces),

List II which is the Reserved List (only the Central Government has the power) and

List III which is the Concurrent List.  In the case of the latter, although the Provinces can exercise power in this regard, prior to the passing of any legislation on subjects coming within the purview of the Concurrent List, the Provincial Councils have to consult Parliament and seek the legislature’s opinion with regard to the provisions of the proposed laws.

The same applies when Parliament seeks to pass a law on a subject in the said List. In both cases, neither the Provincial Councils nor the Parliament is however bound to give effect to whatever opinions expressed by either party.

Governor of the Eastern Province, former Defence Secretary Austin Fernando while acknowledging the possibility of not having the Concurrent List and it being given up, pointed out that it is better to have clarity rather than the duplication of functions. Chief Minister of the Western Province, Isura Devapriya too concurred with Fernando. Calling for subjects to be separately allocated for the government and the Provincial Councils, Devapriya, noted that: Without the concurrent list, it can instead be decided as to what subjects are to be handed over to the Provinces, whether it is for example, education or health.” Meanwhile, addressing the questioning of how the said List could be amended, Fernando added that on the question of the Provincial Councils and the Centre, a decision must be taken on what powers are to be reduced and how the functions are to be allocated.

There is a definite need for review. There must be a solution regarding the divisions. Part must go to the Centre and part to the Provinces. This is a national issue,” he explained.

Elsewhere, on the question of what constituted the meaningful devolution of power, while Governor of the Central Province, Niluka Ekanayake was of the view that the 13th Amendment to the Constitution should not be fully implemented, Devapriya suggested that aspects in the said Amendment, aside of police and land powers, should be strengthened.

Fernando on the other hand, highlighted that in order for the country to move forward, there would have to be some sort of devolution, which he explained should be based on the principle of subsidiarity and the understanding and maintenance of the distinction between delegation and decentralization. He also warned against encroachment by the government upon the Provincial Councils and vice versa.

Fernando was also of the view that the governors, appointees of the Executive, wielded too much power including certain powers which, according to him were a little too excessive.” Yes, I agree that there must be certain changes. Whether politicians should be appointed as Governors too is a matter that has to be reviewed. There is no value however in a cosmetic governor,” he emphasized, while Devapriya stressed the vital importance of consultations being held between the Governors, the Chief Ministers and the Provincial Councils during decision-making processes as a solution to various ills plaguing the current situation.