U.S. to assist in drafting new Sri Lankan Constitution Wants to partner military

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Sudath Gunasekara 7.8.2016

Dear Patriotic friends

I want all of you to seriously look at the following news release by the USA Embassy

U.S.  to assist in drafting  new Sri Lankan Constitution Wants to partner military

August 6, 2016, 12:00 pm

Atul Keshap

by Zacki Jabbar

The United States of America says it wants to partner with the Sri Lankan military while assisting the government in drafting a new constitution and meeting commitments it had made to the United Nations Human Rights Council with regard to accountability issues.

An UN Human Rights Council endorsed resolution  has called for the establishment of an independent domestic mechanism to probe allegations of war crimes against the previous Rajapaksa government  and  LTTE especially during the last stages of the near three decade  war, which ended on May 19 , 2009.

The U.S. Ambassador Atul Keshap addressing a reception on board the ship USS New Orleans  which docked in at the Colombo Port for a three day goodwill visit last week, said that they were  welcoming new staff into the American embassy here  to work on development programs, human rights cooperation, rule of law, justice, demining and many different things.

“We are working to strengthen our relationship with all of the different facets of the Sri Lankan government, including the armed forces, because we believe that a professional military is essential to the development and  success of any viable democracy”, he noted.

He added that they wanted to partner with the  security forces and move forward on the very important issues that had attracted the attention of Sri Lankans which encompassed development of a new Constitution and cooperating  with the international community to address commitments with regard to accountability issues made  in September of last year.

The Ambassador said that the U.S.  would work with the Sri Lankan people, their government, military and bureaucracy  in achieving the goals that they had set for themselves by electing a new President on January 8, 2015 and affirming it at the parliamentary election in August the same year.

During their stay the crew of USS New Orleans engaged in humanitarian and disaster relief exercises and also exchanged views on best practices with the military.

My Comments

Does the US Ambassador Atul Keshap also think that Sri Lanka is already a colony of the USA?, just like Indian politicians who think and act as if this is already another State of India.

All patriotic Sri Lankans should immediately rise against this imminent and most dangerous catastrophe and protest against this colonial invasion and then demand that USS New Orleans should go home without stepping on to this country. We don’t have any humanitarian problem or disaster here, other than the political and socio-economic mess US and few countries like India have created in 2015 with the assistance of UK and Norway by sending home a pro-people patriotic government that defeated the most ruthless and dangerous terrorist gang in the world, the LTTE and deployed a smoothly ongoing development process in the wake of an end of a 30 year terrorist war.

It must be clearly said that the people of this country did not voluntarily and freely elect a legitimate President or a legitimate Government in this country at the 2015 elections.

The existing Government was defeated by a joint master coup hatched to ousted Mahinda Rajapaksa by local and foreign elements. At Home Chandrika who has an ax to grind with Rajapaksa led this treacherous team. She found Maitripala the disgruntled as a cat’s paw to run for the post of President as the Common candidate and work out the conspiracy with Ranil, the cunning, who knew that this is the only way he can come to power. Having hatched the coup behind doors for over two or more years, calculations were made that they could ousted Rajapaksa only if they garner the  anti Sinhala and anti-Buddhist Tamil and Muslim votes together with the UNPatriotic block vote, the JVP sympathizers and the new votes. If you analyze the voting pattern at both these elections (Jan 8 & Aug 17th)  you will understand as to what really has happened.

Having found the bait, the conspirators got USA, UK their allies, India and Tamil Diaspora who hated Rajapaksa and also got their secret agencies like CIA and RAW to infiltrate the electorate and provide advice and resources to defeat the ‘Sihala Buddhist champion’ Rajapaksa, as they called him.

Having got Maitripala marginally elected with all these manipulations and conspiracies they went for General elections in August. In spite of all pressure exerted and dirty  and unethical press releases issued by the President where he said that he will never appoint Rajapakda as the PM even if he wins ,Mahida’s group was able to get 95 seats as against 106 seats for Ranil who was supported by all anti national elements and black money at Home as well as abroad.

Then, the President deployed the second master coup. All what he had done thereafter like the appointment of Ranil as the Prime Minister while a legitimate PM was still in office, the removal of the CJ, appointment of the new CJ, the Opposition Leader, Chief Whip of the Opposition, ignoring the 50 odd JO MPP, were all unconstitutional, therefore illegal. This was followed by bringing in candidates who were defeated at the elections as MPP and Ministers and high jacked JO members who had got elected under a different mandate by offering bribes of portfolios and other perks, to get the majority in Parliament.

Had these things being done by Rajapaksa, by now America and the alliance and India would have done what they did to Sadam Hussein and Gadafi to him as well.

But not only, they all kept deaf, blind and dumb to safeguard their friend Ranil, who will fulfill their agenda but also now send their high powered agents every week to oversee and assure that the job is properly done in time as agreed.

What Atul Keshap is trying to do here is nothing new. It is only a continuation of the same dirty neocolonial game from where the British stopped and returned temporally in 1948.

What is most dangerous in this Atul press release is

1 The proposal to partner with the Sri Lankan military and security forces so that Sri Lankan Forces will be reduced to a contingent of the US army thereafter. It is similar to a partnership between a wolf and a sheep

2 The proposed involvement in drafting a new constitution like what India did in 1987

3 Pressing the Government to meet commitments it had made to the United Nations Human Rights Council with regard to accountability issues.

4 Pursuing the  UN Human Rights Council resolution for the establishment of an independent domestic mechanism to probe allegations of war crimes against the previous Rajapaksa government  and  LTTE especially during the last stages of the near three decade  war, which ended on May 19 , 2009

My question is

Firstly, why should we allow America or any other foreign country to get involved in Constitution making for this country.(when the Government has got no mandate from the people to write a new constitution at all and the people of this country also don’t want one)

Second how can we justify the presence of another country’s interest within our national army and other security forces?

Third what authority USA or any other country has got, to inquire in to or intervene with what we have done to defeat a terrorist group that has taken to arms against a democratically elected Government. This is purely an internal matter concerning the security of this country. We have acted as a sovereign, independent and a  free country.

More interestingly why are they talking about incidents taken place during the Rajapaksa government only and LTTE especially during the last stages of a nealyr three decades of war, which ended on May 19, 2009. Why don’t they inquire in to the savage atrocities committed by the LTTE from 1983 onwards to the people, the country and the economy, if they are genuinely interested in human rights violations as a policy. Specifying this time period clearly shows their hidden agenda that they want to fix Rajapaksa the man who said no to their mean requests made at the last moment to stop the war against the LTTE and allow them to evacuate Prabha and his top team, the most dangerous terrorist gang out of Sri Lanka for future use in collaboration with India ‘our good neighbor’ to destabilize this country.

If US and all others want to know the uncivilized atrocities the LTTE committed during the last stages of the war and to understand what type of saints they were, I suggest them to read Kamaliny Jeyakumaran’s book  Under the Shadow of a Sharp Sword”, which is available in Sinhala as Tiyunu Asipatha Sevana Yata” and Tamil Oru Koovalin Nishalil”

To allow these foreign elements to meddle with our Army or other security forces and Constitution making is all the more dangerous at a time like the present when we are at the peak of political, economic and social turmoil and uncertaintiesNow look at the political situation in the country. all political parties are in shambles. Thanks to Sirisena and Chandrika there is no SLFP now in the country, though SLFP voters are there. The only formidable alternative to UNP was SLFP. But under the present turmoil situation any election will give an edge to UNP since the SLFP is divided. The UNP will work out the majority at all levels with Tamil and Muslim votes. The JVP is a spent political force. It will only reduce the vote that will otherwise go to the SLFP.

Everybody knows Sirisena is no more a SLFP man since he contested under another card. He won the elections with the UNP block vote + Tamil+Muslim+JVP+ new votes. Those so-called SLFP- JO members who have been trapped by offering portfolios and various perks will stick on to him. But I have my doubts whether SLFP voters will vote them at the next election. President Sirisena  may be able to continue as the name sake President of the SLFP until a court decides he is not or he cease to be President at the end of the period. Still there will be a split that will help the UNP to get the edge. Under such a situation the President will definitely lose his control over the Government and he will end up as prisoner in the hands of Ranil. He UNP then will definitely have to dance to the tune of Tamils and Muslims for survival. What will happen to the patriotic forces after that unless by some miracle a third force emerge as a champion of the Sinhala Buddhist patriotic forces.

1 Also Please read what Kamal ns Sonali say on this imminent catastrophe.Kamal Rajapakse10:08 PM (11 hours ago)
to Ajantha, Akalanka, Ananda, Ashley, Bandu, Bernard, Bodhi, Chamila, Chan, Chandre, D, D.L.O., Daya, Daya, Daya, Dharmasiri, Dilanthe, Dilrook, Dinesha, Diwakara, me, Dr, Ernest, G, Gallage

—– Original Message —–

From: Tamara Kunanayakam

To: Kamal Rajapakse

Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2016 1:36 PM

Subject: Fwd: The Island

With regard to US Ambassador Atul Keshap’s statement, you might wish to re-circulate the piece (below) I wrote for The Island on 25 September 2015

“What the Ranil – Sirisena Government will not tell you! US draft resolution: A ‘system change,’” analysing the infamous US-sponsored Human Rights Council’s draft resolution on Sri Lanka, only 6 days before it was adopted (with minor amendments) with the blessings of the present Sirisena-Ranil regime. In that piece, I point out then that the draft resolution is all about system change, a complete overhaul of Sri Lanka’s political, legal, security and defense system to serve the global interests of the United States, and it is fully in line with Obama’s new National Security Strategy that was reflected in the May 2015 statement made in Colombo by the US Secretary of State.

It is indeed very significant that the US Ambassador made his statement on board USS New Orleans!

It is vital that we mobilise ourselves on as broad a basis as possible, as Sri Lankans, because it has to do with our country’s independence and sovereignty.

Best regards,


– Sirisena Government will not tell you!What the Ranil


Shenali Waduge‘s note.






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Dilrook Kannangara4:52 PM (16 hours ago)to Kamal, Ajantha, Akalanka, Ananda, Ashley, Bandu, Bernard, Bodhi, Chamila, Chan, Chandre, D, D.L.O., Daya, Daya, Daya, Dharmasiri, Dilanthe, Dinesha, Diwakara, me, Dr, Ernest, G, GallageThe danger of teaming up with the US military is that those forces that defeated the US military (Taliban, ISIS, AQ, etc.) will come after Sri Lanka too. If they could defeat USA, it will be very easy for them to defeat the Sri Lankan military.In addition cadets from West Point, USA are in Sri Lanka to study Sri Lanka’s success in winning war on terror.This is from defence.lk.US Military Academy Cadets visits SF (J)[July 30 2016]Cadets and instructors of the United States Military Academy at West Point, led by Colonel Liam Collins Director, Defence and Strategic Studies, Department of Military Instruction USA visited Headquarters Security Force Jaffna – HQ SF (J) recently (27th July 16).Colonel Collins together with Dr. Lionell Beehner Assistant Professor, Department of Military Instructions USA, along with three other senior military instructors and Five Cadets made the visit.A presentation on “Role and responsibility of SF (J) and military assistance in post conflicts scenario” was conducted At the HQ SF (J). Factors that led to a success Humanitarian Operation was also discussed during the event.Commander SF (J), members of the US embassy in Sri Lanka and senior officers were also present during the visit.Upasiri de Silva <upasiri@bigpond.com>6:11 PM (15 hours ago)to Ajantha, Akalanka, Ananda, Ashley, Bandu, Bernard, Bodhi, Chamila, Chan, Chandre, D, D.L.O., Daya, Daya, Daya, Dharmasiri, Dilanthe, Dilrook, Dinesha, Diwakara, me, Dr, Ernest, G, GallageAny knowledge why Second world war was commenced and why Jews were killed by Hitler?  If the world repeat what happened to Jews then IS is the next target for the world powers?Do you expect China t be our Savior?CallSend SMSAdd to SkypeYou’ll need Skype CreditFree via SkypeDilrook Kannangara6:21 PM (15 hours ago)to Upasiri, Ajantha, Akalanka, Ananda, Ashley, Bandu, Bernard, Bodhi, Chamila, Chan, Chandre, D, D.L.O., Daya, Daya, Daya, Dharmasiri, Dilanthe, Dinesha, Diwakara, me, Dr, Ernest, G, GallageNo one will save us if we get into other people’s wars. AQ, IS, JI, etc. are not terrorist groups in Sri Lanka. They will never be banned as terror groups in Sri Lanka for obvious political reasons. USA went to war with them and got hammered from Afghanistan to Syria, now Europe too.This is the second attempt by USA to get Sri Lankan military involved in its dirty losing wars. In late 2009 Robert Blake tried it but Gota said no. Very good decision. Otherwise AQ bombs would be going off in Colombo and no tourist would visit Sri Lanka.Ashley de Vos <advarcht@gmail.com>7:00 PM (14 hours ago)to Kamal, to:, Akalanka, Ananda, Bandu, Bernard, Bodhi, Chamila, Chan, Chandre, D, D.L.O., Daya, Daya, Daya, Dharmasiri, Dilanthe, Dilrook, Dinesha, Diwakara, me, Dr, Ernest, G, GallageThis short piece was carried by the Island 28-29/7/2016.America is dangerous, They have concluded that we are all fools.Please think of the next generation, and stop this. Sri Lanka will become
one huge US base. We have to walk tall, but then do we have any politicians
who care for this country. Development per say has a cost. But not at the cost
of becoming slaves and destroying the environment? The Problems faced by
Sri Lanka have been supported by our naive politicians. Without them and only
without that breed will Sri Lanka be a paradise.