Open Appeal to Mahinda Rajapaksa Ex President-Leave the Chandrika-Maitri trap at least now and take the lead to save this Country and the Nation

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 25.11.2015

Open Appeal to Mahinda Rajapaksa Ex President

Leave the Chandrika-Maitri trap at least now and take the lead to save this Country and the Nation

As a patriot who love my country and the Sinahala Nation I appeal to MR to leave this Chandrika/My3/Ranil vicious political circle immediately at least now with all his followers elected (whatever left before more frogs could jump), with people like DEW, Vitarana, GLP, Dinesh, Weerawansa and Gammanpila before he is finally sent to the guillotine or to a sausages factory close by.

Had he listened to the advice to do so by my good friend Prof Nalin de Silva before elections the story of the present Parliament would have been entirely different. Similarly if he had listened to what I said in my long E mail of 2nd Dec 2014 and at least didn’t go for elections on Jan 8th, forgetting all the other 99 suggestions I made (in my 100 Panatha), he would have still remained as the President of this country. He dint listen to good counseling for which he is paying back now with compound interest. At least now he should try to be sensible to listen to good counseling because the nation needs a man or woman of his caliber, a man or an iron woman to rescue and protect this 2500 year old heritage and the victory of 2009, ere it is lost in the Indian Ocean forever in the light of what is happening now.  Because reconciliation with this vicious Troika will never works. I would like to remind him the story of the foolish fox that followed a goat for days expecting something dangling in its rear side will fall at any time, but never it never fell. Finally you know what happened to the hungry fox. Again I would like to remind you the advice given by Nalin not to trust My3. He will never change. He has proved by now beyond all reasonable doubts that he is more a Vaireepaala than a Maitreepala. MR and all his followers should have understood this long time ago, if they had closely followed what My3 had been saying ever since he won the elections on Jan 8th. Just think of what happened to Ven Sobita Thera the ‘Nandimitra’ of Jan 8th battle who strived so hard to bring him to power. Yours is only a hopper betrayal but his is million times more serious than an egg hopper. As a result he died. But fortunately you are still alive.

Dear MR you must at least now realize that no one in this world knows everything, except Lord Buddha and no Leader in world history had won a battle or a war without being advised by an eminent adviser. Those of who know history will tell you that Kurushestra war would never have been won by Arjuna if not for Krishna; Vedeha would never have won over Miyumlunuwara if not for Mahushada. Chandragupta would never have defeated Dhana Nanda and installed Chandragupta Dynasty the forerunner of the Mauriya Empire if not for Kautilya. This is why all Kings of yore always had a set of eminent Purohitas lead by an Agrapurohita, who never gave dead ropes unlike the Purohitayas of today.

I suggest at least now you seek the good counseling of a Council of eminent monks of standing who do not sell their advice for personal gain but offer it to you only for the love of the country, the Sinhala nation  and the  Sasana as they always have done throughout in our history. If you don’t do it now and continue to follow the proverbial Goat” I can assure you, it will never fall. Only you will be doomed along with this country and the nation. I am making this appeal to you as I still strongly believe that, going by past performance, you are the only leader among the living professional politicians who can resurrect this nation. As for me I am ever prepared to assist you without expecting anything in return, other than fulfilling our 100 Panatha, for the sake of my country, my nation and my religion.

I also request you to read the annexture as to why I say so.

Teruwan saranai!