Why doesn’t the Government ban the TNA at least now? if it wants an undivided Sri Lanka

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 7.9.2013

I am emboldened to hear that the President had said “I will not allow the separation of the country.”
“What Prabakaran (the late LTTE leader) could not do none of today’s ones will ever be able to do,” Rajapaksa told a political gathering in the central district of Kandy
-â„¢. This clarion call indeed I think
will be warmly welcome by the whole nation. But the people want action rather than political rhetoric. I have no doubt the President will do it, not for mere political survival like many other politicians have done in the recent past, but for the emancipation of the nation. I still have full confidence in him as the most patriotic and down to earth natural leader the post independent Sri Lanka has produced.

Everybody knows that the TNA is an extremely communal minded Tamil political party that stands for a separate State for Tamils in Sri Lanka. It is the veritable successor to the Ponnambalan-Chelvanayagam racist legacy that totally rejects historical realities of this Island nation and that tries to build up a new theory of a traditional Tamil Homeland in the north and the east based on pseudo history invented by racist Tamils who claim that it had been so from the dawn of history.TNA had been the political shadow of LTTE whom they called their -ËœBoys-â„¢ and today they are the veritable torch bearers for the EELAM of Prabhakaran. This fact has been clearly established with the TNA entering the NPC election fray.

I would like to open this discussion with some speeches made by TNA MPP at their meetings

First I quote below what Suresh Premachandran TNA MP is said to have stated at the maiden election rally of the TNA in the campaign for the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) poll, held at the Mannar public esplanade.

‘IF WE HAVE ARMS, IT’S FEDERALISM AND BEYOND’ – ‘If we don’t have weapons we will get nothing’: Suresh Premachandran, MP of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) said the Tamil people can begin talks on a federal solution only if ‘we have weapons.’

“We can talk going even beyond that. If we don’t have weapons we will get nothing,” he added. He said this at the maiden election rally of the TNA in the campaign for the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) poll, held at the Mannar public esplanade with the participation of all TNA candidates contesting for the NPC, including NPC Chief Ministerial candidate C.V. Vigneswaran. Parliamentarians Mavai Senthirajah was also present.

TNA MP P. Ariyanendran addressing the gathering said the ‘struggle’ to find a solution for the Tamil people’s problems was continued by Selva after which a full blown armed conflict ensued. “The armed conflict was continued by leader Prabhakaran. But today, we live on without anything,” he said. “It is your duty to vote for the TNA and ensure its victory to fight for Tamils’ rights as well as to get what we wantVote for us and we will be able to get what we require,” he said.

A closer scrutiny of what Suresh Premachandran and P. Ariyanendran have said clearly shows that they still hold on to the ideology of the Eelam. The communal Tamil politicians have not changed a wee bit from their racist anti Sinhala and anti Sri Lankan attitude ever since the idea of a separate State for Tamils in Si Lanka was mooted by people like Chelvanayagam way back in 1947. These open utterances of TNA politicians also clearly prove that they are planning to again go back to an arm struggle and never change their strategy in future either. They also show that these Tamil politicians never want the ordinary Tamils in this country to live with the majority Sinhala together. They want a separate Tamil Kingdome in the Sri Lanka covering 1/3 of the total land area and 2/3 of the coastal belt from Chilaw in the west to Kataragama in the south east as the labour room of their future world Elam Empire.

Next I would like to draw your attention to what Vignesvaran, the Chief Ministerial candidate had said at another occasion.

Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Chief Ministerial candidate for the Northern Province, C.V. Wigneswaran says the 13th Amendment to the constitution has its shortcomings but yet it cannot be changed without consulting India.

Wigneswaran said that the 13th Amendment came about as a solution to address issues faced by Tamils.

-This is an international agreement. This came about following an agreement between India and Sri Lanka. But if it is going to be changed then India must be consulted,- he said.

He said that the Tamils had put forward several proposals for the Indo-Lanka accord but everything was not accepted and so the 13th Amendment, in his view, has some shortcomings.

He also said that Tamils in Sri Lanka do have issues and it is -shocking- if the Sinhalese majority is not aware of that.

Wigneswaran is also confident that the Tamils in the North will vote for the TNA at the election and not fall prey to the false assurences given by the government. (Colombo Gazette)

This summarizes the extremist Tamil racist mind of Vignesvara than any other statement made by him at any other occasion. How can he says that-â„¢ the Tamils had put forward several proposals for the Indo-Lanka accord but everything was not accepted by the 13th Amendment has some shortcomings in his view-â„¢, if he was not a party to the drafting of such proposals while he was in service as a judicial officer of the Government?

Any fool who has a wee bit of brain can understand the never dying communal mind of these Tamil politicians from the above statements. If they talk like this without any power one can imagine how they will talk and behave when they have some power.

Finally, now the election manifesto of the TNA is made and is publicly known no one could have the slightest doubt regarding the true colours of the TNA outfit. It is EELAM and nothing but the EELLAM they are asking for. When Prabhakaran was alive they acted as the proxy of the LTTE. Now it is evident that the TNA has openly taken over the mission of Prabhakaran. This shows, though Prabha is no more, the LTTE ideology is still fully alive in the hands of these crazy communal Tamil politicians comprising only a bunch of self seeking outfit who has no regard to the wellbeing of the common Tamil people. As such today TNA is the biggest threat to the Sri Lankan State. Therefore allowing them to consolidate politically by winning the NPC elections will be putting the nation from the frying pan to the burning red hot hearth. Should the Government remain blind to this national tragedy for short term political mileage?

The present Government has to its credit the winning of the war against the LTTE as the greatest achievement that any post independence government could claim. But unfortunately it has miserably failed to consolidate that victory and pass its full benefits to posterity. Had the Government banned all communal political parties, abolish the Provincial Councils along with the Provinces, created by the British Colonial rulers as a strategic device of divide and rule, and gone back to the traditional Tunrata Divisions, adopted a new Constitution based on the traditions and customs of the land and abolished the Indo-Lanka Pact of 1987, if not all, at least most of the present day political confusions could have been avoided.

Instead of abolishing the disastrous PCC, today the Government has taken steps to hold elections to the North Provincial council and thereby provided a new spring board for the racist Tamils to resurrect the EELAM ideology and launch the next phase of the independent Tamil movement. ‚ I can vouch that the NPC election will also backfire on the Government (already it had done so) like the invitation extended to Pillay without realizing her Tamil ethnic affiliations and miserable South African apartheid socio-political background. The Government-â„¢s expectations of winning the NPC election I think are only a day dream. One must understand that Tamils and Muslims, unlike Sinhalese, will never change their racial and communal biases and they will ever remain as Tamils and Muslims. Therefore they will always vote with their communities. Even if you drop manna from all six heavens in addition to all infrastructural facilities and other benefits provided by the Government in the post war period, they will still vote with the racial Tamil politicians who beat the communal drum unless and until the political party system in this country is organized on national policies sans ethnic bias.

So in the light of this backdrop banning TNA to begin with is the best way to make what the President had said at the Kandy (Kundasale) meeting a reality. Late is better than never. Also if you don-â„¢t do it NOW it will never be done by anybody. I doubt anyone will be born in the foreseeable future to carry out such a bold decision. Also please remember you have already missed that golden opportunity in 2009. But there is no use in crying over split milk.

Bravo Mr President, go ahead with your historic decision to save this country and the Nation! I reiterate such decision will be the first logical step saving this country from imminent disaster and in restoring the pristine Sri Lanka that was there in the pre 13th century in this resplendent Island prior to the barbaric South Indian Magha devastations.