The need to end the danger of leaving the destiny of the nation entirely in the hands of politicians- PART 2

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Dr Sudath Gunasekara (SLAS) Retired Permanent secretary and President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 28.6.2013(leaving the destiny of the nation entirely in the hands of politicians is just like leaving a hen-house for a pack of hungry foxes for safe keeping)
A breakaway group led by SWRD Bandaranaike in the UNP formed the SLFP in 1952 and that reflected mainly the political convictions of the Sinhala Mahasabha led by SWRD that championed the restoration of the lost rights of the natives, more particularly the Sinhala Buddhists, who formed the majority (nearly 90% at that time) of this country and ushering in an era of economic, social and cultural prosperity for them.
The notion of minority communities in this country was created by the 1948 Constitution (made in Britain) for the first time in the history of this country. Before that there were no minorities, for 25 centuries all people in this country were known as Sinhalyo meaning the people of the Sinhale or Lanka. Mass social integration of immigrants was the rule rather than the exception. They took local names, learned the native language, adopted local customs and finally became one with the natives. For example even today you can see descendants of Muslims with Kandyan ge names and wasagamas around Kandy unlike present day Muslims who attempt to convert everything including the names, dress and customs to Muslim. These British made minorities organized themselves purely on communal and ethnic lines. For example Tamil congress, Ilankai Tamil Arusu Kachchi (Ceylon Tamil State Party dubbed as the Federal Party), an offshoot of Ceylon Tamil Congress and the Ceylon Indian Congress representing the South Indian Estate labour, brought by the British to work in the tea plantations after 1830s. Though they were domicile in this country they were not citizens of this country. Even today after most of them have got citizenship they are Indian in mind and heart. Later the name Ceylon Indian Congress was changed as Ceylon Workers Congress. Subsequently Muslims also formed their own political parties. The most conspicuous feature of these minorities is that none of them were prepared to accept that this Island Nation had existed for thousands of years as Sinhale, which means the land of the Sinhala people. Thus Tamils and Muslims rejected and declined to accept the socio-political and cultural supremacy of the native Sinhalese and started to agitate for parity of status and often stood for self determination supported by subversive colonial agents and India. The tragedy is that the same process continuous even today. Sri                                                                

 Lanka is one of the best examples for this nebulous and disastrous new political model, a legacy left behind by the colonial rulers.
All Tamils though they live and make their bread on this sacred soil they always treat India as their motherland and Indian leaders as their leaders. Even a barber saloon run by them in a remote bazaar are adorned and decorated with Indian leaders like Gandhi, Nehru and Gokale and Indian gods and monkeys like Hanuman. Labourers on tea estates were going to India every year and they deposited their gold and all earnings there from the time they were brought here by the British. Though they lived here physically for all intent and purposes they were and are still Indian both in mind and heart. They continue to do so even today. All Tamil politicians run to India and ask the Indian government o save them from the Sri Lankan Government. Tamils do not want to live in a unitary State; representing less than 10% of the total population they want a separate State-within this country-an EElam extending from Putlam through Jaffna to Kataragama  covering 1/3 of the country’s area and 2/3 the coastal line. Muslims on the other hand at the early stages were less attached emotionally to any particular Muslim country only their religious ties with Mecca were very strong. In the past we had men like T.B. Jaya and C.A.S. Marikar (fondly called Sinhala Marikkar) but today in their place we have power hungry anti -Sinhala and anti-Sri Lankan opportunist separatists like Hakeem. They also have started now to assert as a separate nation agitating even for separatism. In sum while Tamils want to make this an India, Muslims want to make this a Muslim country. For example even at the Cabinet meeting on 6th June  held to discuss Proposed governments amendments to the 13th A, Hakeem took up the position that “ƒ”¹…”the proposed amendment sought to dilute and circumscribe the powers of devolution provided by the 13th Constitutional amendment and other related Constitutional provisions. The SLMC leader stated that this move had huge implications for his party the Muslim Congress, the Muslim people and the minority ethnicities in general. (Note the extremist communalist and divisive tone). With this kind of assertions he is trying to kill two birds (sympathy of both Muslims and Tamils for his cause).
The Justice Minister also pointed out that his party the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress had passed a resolution at the party convention against any further proposals aimed at diluting the powers of devolution provided to the Provincial councils at present. As such he was duty bound to consult his party and obtain their views before deciding on the matter, Hakeem explained’. We must also not forget the fact that he (SLMC leader) cancelled his proposed visit to Palestine from Jordan and returned hastily to Sri Lanka in order to set this fire ball rolling.
Another danger that has come to stay in our political system is the succession of political office. Very often it is circulated among the family members; from husband to wife, son or daughter or a close family member like a brother, brother-in-law or cousin etc without any consideration of their suitability to hold such position. What is worse is they are nominated by the party leaders and not elected by the people and very often such men and women are also given top portfolios thereby making representative democracy a big joke. This has made politics a mere family business and hindered new blood coming in to politics.
This scenario clearly points to few distinct features in Sri Lankan politics. Firstly, both SLFP and UNP leaderships always give in and succumb to minority demands to remain in power and no one has the guts and the backbone to stand up and speak the truth. Secondly, both Tamils and Muslim politicians talk only of their rights as separate ethnic groups and self determination for their ethnic communities. Thirdly, they refuse to accept that they are only minorities in this country, Fourthly, they are never prepared to accede to the fact that the Sinhala people have an overriding and inalienable right over every grain of sand in this Island as their Historical Homeland where they lived as the Nation of the country for 2500 years and who alone are responsible for the fabrics of civilization on each and every inch on this land. (This country will never prosper until we put an end to Tamil and Muslim communal politics and get the Tamils and Muslims to accede to the historical realities of this Island nation). Fifthly, politics has become a mere family business rather than a service o people. Finally, only Sinhala people have scarified their lives in millions throughout history and treat this country as their only traditional Motherland, where others also can live in harmony with them. Therefore their right to this country is inalienable. This is not Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism. This is only plain truth.
No broad national policies
None of these political parties had broad national policies from the inception. Of the traditional parties only SLFP spoke of the language and religion of the majority community, that is the Sinhalese and took some realistic steps to restore the lost rights of the majority, like making Sinhala the official language and giving due recognition to their heritage in 1956. It is a national tragedy that today even some Sinhala pundits (mainly the leftist camp) blame Bandaranaike for making Sinhala the Official Language.  But I ask them, if Sinhala that was the State language of this country for 2500 years was not made the Official language in this country then where else it could be given that status? What Banda did by making Sinhala the Official Language in 1956 was only a rectification of a historical injustice done to the Sinhala Nation by British in 1815 by depriving their right to use their own Language that was there for 2500 years, for which the Sinhala nation should be ever grateful. The leftist parties going by the communist ideology spoke of religion as opium and they were completely alienated from the native culture and lived in the dream world of revolution. Of late the newly formed Helaurumaya, MEP, JVP and Bhumiputra parties have taken up a strong stand on local culture, language and religion agitating for national resurgence. But the tragedy is that even these parties are not committed enough to join as one force based on a common denominator to complete the mission of national resurgence started in 1956. Now that the SLFP that played the key role in that historic resurgence has lost its original luster and indigenous outlook due to infiltration of ideologies and men of different political camps running counter to SLFP policies, is wavering and oscillating on national issues, the time has come for these new emerging forces to re visit their strategies and join hands to realize their common goal.
The present UNP, particularly under the leadership of Ranil Wickramasingha, on the other hand is fully alienated from the majority thinking and struggling in political wilderness to build a united nation without recognizing the aspirations of the majority who form the bed rock of this nation. The latest proposals for a new Constitution by the UNP amply demonstrate their servile and dependency mentality on the West and the inability to understand local history and traditions. Even though the proposed draft Constitution has many plus points its failure to include the removal of the Provincial Councils and the repeal of the JR-Rajeev Pact (an illegitimate and undemocratic conspiracy imposed on us by India which has distorted the geopolitical history of this Island) that have played havoc with this country for the past thirty years, it has failed to get the serious attention of the masses. What sense they make with territorial integrity if they fail to remove the Provincial Council system that has already laid the foundation for the division of the Sri Lankan unitary State on ethnic basis?
Although the SLFP under the Leadership of Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2005 was able to re-kindle the cultural resurgence started by SWRD in 1956, of late it appears to be unsteady, wavering and unstable in the face of threats from India and the Western block.  Whether, it is due to outside pressure or wrong advice or purely the greed to remain in power, only time will tell. Being the present leader of the main party (SLFP) that was responsible for organizing the whole country against the Indo-Lanka Accord and the 13h A in 1987, I really cannot understand why he does not repeal them now as the Executive President, when he has all the powers and support on earth both inside and outside the Parliament. The only way to get him to do that is to bring pressure on him so that he cannot escape. He can never get absolved from the blunder of not abolishing these things immediately after the conclusion of the war in 2009.
The UNP and the SLFP changed their policies from time to time to accommodate Tamil and Muslim agitations giving in to them to cling on to power. No party had the political courage to tell the minorities that they are only minorities in this country and to tell them to accept the status quo of Sri Lankan politics for obvious reasons. So none has a consistent and strong national policy; all have become hundred percent votes centered and none is people friendly. Everything is manipulated for the temporary benefit of the politicians, their parties and henchmen.
With the transformation of the party system over time more and more underworld thugs, drug dealers, tavern owners and fulltime fraudulent businessmen with hardly any education or understanding on politics or state craft have taken over all the political institutions both at the national and local levels, helping each other from top to bottom to remain in the field. Thus today those who command money and muscles sans any brain or character dominate the entire political field. The existing system is so corrupt even excellent Professors, Administrators and professionals after joining the fray of politics gets reduced to mere scum for survival.
Present day politicians in reality don’t represent people; they represent only their own interest and those of their leaders. Under the current system men from outside areas are imported and planted as candidates. They are nominated and selected by party leaders and voters have no choice but to vote them in the name of the party. As such they are not truly elected by voters. Elections that follow are only a ratifying process of an illegitimate system. As such they have ceased to be the representatives of people’s interests either. They are answerable and under obligation only to the leader of the party, who has his own interest in turn. The fact that no Mp or Minister opens his eyes or mouth against this corrupt and undemocratic system and prepared to part with the enormous privileges enjoyed at the expense of the voters aptly proves their commitment to service.
Under the present system once they are elected and a Government is formed the numerical majority in Parliament is maintained by undemocratic, unethical and even unconstitutional (as JR did) methods like giving portfolios, bribing, blackmailing and inducing by offering lucrative packages and protection against punishment (including even Presidential pardon for serious criminal offences) and various other concessions as it is done today. Bills are passed in Parliament by using that artificial majority but the public is never consulted; Public protests are ignored or brushed off using the artificial majority maintained under duress; agreements are entered with foreign countries and International agencies but neither the Parliament nor even the Cabinet knows the content and the conditions. Only privileged groups who sign such agreements know what they contain. When they fault and repercussions follow the public has to pay the toll. State enterprises are packed with political appointments and none is managed properly according to standard financial or establishment rules and principles. According to the Ministry of Finance and Planning State Owned Enterprises losses in 2011 have gone up to 432% since 2005. From contributing Rs. 32bn in profits eight years ago, state enterprises now burden economy with Rs. 107bn in losses
Recently even the Treasury Secretary Dr. P. B. Jayasundera himself has said, when the 2011 annual report was launched, that “ƒ”¹…”it has been the practice of successive governments to appoint their cronies to top positions in public enterprises and  the government should desist this practice and appoint competent people to run state-owned enterprises instead. These officials should be removed and replaced by competent officials. The Treasury is not the appointing authority. It is up to the government to take this matter seriously. Policy makers need to put party politics aside and assume the role of custodian. These SOEs have the potential to reap good profits. We need officials who will put the interest of the country first’. He also has pointed out the need to appointment of competent managerial staff and improving corporate best practices and accountability through the boards of directors and senior management personnel if the enterprises are to run efficiently. The latest report of the COPE also  repots some State enterprises have caused a loss of Rs 15 billion rupees last year to the Treasury due to miss management. The fault entirely lies with the government as well as the Treasury. This I think is only the tip of the ice berg of mismanagement or poor management of the State sector. I have a feeling that like Romeo in ancient Rome our politicians are “ƒ”¹…”playing the harp’ of glory and affluence’ while Sri Lanka is on fire.
Again if a Minister wants to gets a pet Project or a job done or a man /woman appointed to a particular place outside the prevailing rules and regulations or financial and cadre implications the he just gets it done through a Cabinet paper. Cabinet approval for a paper depends more on who submits it rather than the national importance it carries.
Even in the ancient days, though the king was not dependent on peoples vote he ruled justly according to the wishes of the subjects as advised by the clergy and the Purohita.  Present day politicians including their leaders do not listen to the clergy either. In the past when the King passed the red line people themselves got together, revolted and got rid of the king. Today though the leaders are elected by the people they can’t remove them when they don’t want them; though they are Kingmakers they cannot unmake the Kings. Majority of opinion leaders in the country keep their mouths shut as they are also kept under obligation by politicians having baited them with different methods. Once elected even by fraudulent methods these politicians are set for generations.
Today there is no public service either to protect public interest. Though all public servants are paid by the people they serve only politicians and their own interests. Even the Judiciary and courts are not independent. They are manipulated the way politicians want. Politicians together with top public servants play the game. The Head of the State is immune from all actions done as the President. Thus though it is said Sovereignty lies with the people in practice real sovereignty lies in the hands of the politicians.
Within the present system all what they do is done for their own benefit. Their hands are dirty, minds are dirty, actions are dirty and even the words and thoughts are dirty. The increasing crime spree in the country including a majority of rapes, intimidation, killings, frauds, and other malpractices and subversive activities daily reported in the media are attributed to powerful politicians or their close associates both at national and local levels (mostly Pradeshiya Sabha Chairmen who are local leaders elected) including some Cabinet Ministers. Of all crimes they commit they go scot free.  Though they don’t have immunity under the Constitution, unlike the President, or under the law, by convention and practice they all enjoy absolute immunity. Dozens of examples of such politicians including some Cabinet Ministers could be cited n this regard. This may be why they are called Magodistuma by the public. When once in a way such a powerful person is remanded as eyewash, instead of being in the remand prison he suddenly fall sick by some unseen divine spell and he gets the privilege of resting in a hospital lounge at public expense.
 Politicians and their families are maintained by the people at exorbitant cost to society. Their house rents, medical bills, insurance, transport, telephone bills, foreign travel, domestic bills, entertainments and even electricity bills etc are paid with public funds. Aren’t they the people who should set the example to the ordinary people? There is no public mechanism that can stop these politicians from behaving like this. Therefore the crying need to have a powerful and effective mechanism to check and control them and get them to serve the people and the country and chase them out of office when they misbehave. Aren’t these the major issues the formulators of a new Constitution should address?
The million dollar question the public should ask now is what is the mighty service, people have got in return from these people; this has been going on from 1977 up to date daily increasing exponentially. How can we trust these parasitic men and women anymore? Now I hope readers can see the danger of leaving the destiny of the nation entirely in the hands of the politicians, a pack of absolute poly-tricksters? No politician either in the right or left speaks a single word about this national tragedy proves that none is honest. For example if you take the 13th A issue you can see how many politicians talk sense or how many of them understand its real implications on the destiny of the nation. They only plant the stick to suit the creeper by praising the Kings New clothes. When the media Minister of this Government says that the purpose of Indian imposed 13h Amendment was the prevention of the creation of two states, where as it was actually just the opposite, one can realize the length and breadth of the faculties of our politicians.  He may know the truth but more than that he knows that, that is the thinking of the leader. As Brutus said he must be muttering “not that I don’t know the truth but I know better what the President wants me to say and also I know what will happen to my portfolio if I don’t say what he wants me to say”. Alibaba and the 40 thieves could be a fable. But you all know that what I have said here                        is not an invented fable. In this backdrop don’t you think leaving the destiny of the nation entirely in the hands of a pack of people like this is like handing over a hen-house to a pack of hungry foxes for safe keeping?
The foregoing account I hope will convince the readers to  understand the need to end the danger of leaving the destiny of the nation entirely in the hands of  politiciansand the need to evolve a People centred and People’s Friendly Political culture with a powerful mechanism to check and control politicians and remove them from office when they don’t act in the interest of the public.
I would like to conclude this note with the following quotation from the Russian President as an eye opener to our politicians’ especially the bankrupt leftists and all Tamils and Muslims who refuse to understand what Sri Lanka is.
(The Address to the Duma, (Russian Parliament) by Vladimir Putin, the Russian President on February 4th, 2013, about the tensions with minorities in Russia) Source: Lankaweb June 8th.
“In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell “ƒ”¹…”discrimination’. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians”.
In our context it should be read and declared in Rajyasabha as follows.
“In Sri Lanka (Sinhale) live Sri Lankans/Sinhalese. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Sri Lanka, to work and eat in Sri Lanka/Sinhale, should learn and speak Sinhala, and should respect the Sri Lankan/ Sinhale laws. If they prefer Thesavalamei or Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where those are the State laws. Sri Lanka does not need minorities. Minorities need Sri Lanka/Sinhale, and we will not grant them any more special privileges (as we havealready given them too much than any other country in the world), or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell “ƒ”¹…”discrimination’. We have to learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Sri Lankan/ Sinhala customs and traditions are not to be betrayed and destroyed to satisfy the insatiable communal aspirations of minorities. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are only minorities and they are not Sri Lankans until they admit that this is the land of the  Sinhala people.”                                                                                                                                                                                       This is exactly what we have been telling our politicians, who don’t have ears to hear and eyes to see, for decades. It is time for the people of this country to command them to say so and do so at least now. If they don’t listen and do it, we must find “ƒ”¹…”a Sri Lankan Putin’ who can say so and do so tomorrow.

I think we have blundered enough by leaving everything to politicians since independence and if we fail to arrest this tragedy at least now, the day the curtain will fall on the Sinhala Buddhist civilization of Sri Lanka is not that far.