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This ancient mathematics is very interesting – even for us today. It is truly amazing– if you trouble yourself to follow and understand what is written below!

We find that the pyramid geometry is all to do with hidden constants and numerology. One ancient Greek philosopher said the Great Pyramid is ‘Pi’ from the ground up! He was right! Another said the Pyramid is a representation of the planet, itself!  This is also true. 

The key numbers and ratios are:

Pi, The Golden Ratio, Cubits and Radians (the Metre is hidden):

The Constant Pi (      ) or 3.1416

The ancient Natural Philosophers knew that if you divide the length of any circumference of a circle by its diameter you always get the same ratio – we call this Pi, or 3.1416 – which we call a constant valid throughout the universe.

The Golden Ratio (      ) is calculated as 1: 1.618

Like “Pi”, “the Golden Ratio” is a special ratio based on certain numbers. It is seen everywhere in nature. It is the secret key, or principle of aesthetics (good taste). Using this ratio makes a design or picture, much more attractive. All the famous artists and designers used it. It is considered “sacred knowledge”. (Using this ratio in the outlines and shapes gives better results than when a picture is composed, based on “thirds.”)


This is the standard unit of angular measurement used in many areas of mathematics. One radian is about 57.2958 degrees. (When the arc length is equal to the radius.) A circle is 2Pi Radians. (written as 2Pic.)

The Number 6 and its Multiples

Whoever gave us 60 seconds to a minute and 60 minutes to an Hour and 360 degrees in a circle, (360 Days in a year  – it has since changed to 365 due to earthly calamities) and so on? – I suggest it was the ancients of old, who may have had six fingers (!) and large heads – and who are no longer here, living on planet Earth!

Cubit and Metre: Relationship

The cubit unit of measurement has been used throughout the Middle East, Babylon and Egypt, for measuring and construction.

Draw a circle of one Metre diameter and then divide the circle into six equal pieces. Each arc segment gives you the length of the Cubit = 0. 5236 Metre.  The length of the Metre and its derivative, the Cubit, is ancient secret knowledge! The metre is closely related to the Cubit and Pi. This is the secret knowledge Mason’s possessed and taught. 

This advanced way of thinking must be tens of thousands of years old. Only the metre survived the religious fervor and repression of the Dark Ages of Europe.


Pi – Q2   =  3.1416 – 2.618  =  0. 5236; and 0.5236 metre  =  one cubit!!!!

The Great Pyramid at Giza is Pi (     ) in stone.                                                                                   The official dimensions of the Great Pyramid are given as 440 cubits for each length of the four sides at the base and 280 cubits in height.  Investigators, when summing two sides of the base length and dividing by the height resulted in – Pi!

And when summing the areas of the four sides and dividing by the base area, this came to the astonishing ratio 1: 1.618 or the Golden Ratio (Q).

And when summing up half the base perimeter and dividing this by the height, results in the Golden Ratio squared  (Q2).

The perimeter length of the base minus the height came to 314.16 = 100Pi

Researchers have found that the Upper Chamber size and shape is brimming with Golden Ratios. In fact, everywhere they measure, reveals Pi or the Golden Ratio! But note that if the sides were plus or minus 50 centimeters bigger or smaller, the Golden Ratio could not occur.  The mystery of the Great Pyramid lies in these numbers.


When a circle is drawn through the four points of the base and also one just touching the sides, when multiplied gives 299, 796, 180 meters.

The speed of light has been measured as.. 299,792, 458 m/sec.

A cynic would comment that this is all just a co-incidence. But with so many co-incidences in such a big object, they cannot all occur by chance.

Skeptics say it is the hand of God (or the Annunaki gods) or make up other excuses.


We are awakening to reality! At last, we have found and recognized our forefathers highly advanced thinking, as revealed to us when we examine the dimensions of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Their use of significant numbers, their units of measurement based on mathematical reasoning, the hidden constants and use of Pi, all amaze us!

Mathematics and its symbolism seems to be central to their intelligent way of thinking, reasoning and life. When present –day mathematicians were consulted about what is found in the Great Pyramid, they said that these results were not by pure chance, there is some meaning behind them!   It is all of gigantic significance – worthy of Giants! 

There must be a reason for all this effort put into a well-made stone and granite structure. It is a masterpiece in stone. We can see that the Great Pyramid was a geographical prime meridian, a world marker – a measuring point as well as a clock. It was a reference point for measuring distance and being aware of the celestial passage of time.

The eyes of the Sphinx look out to the celestial bodies of the universe. These rotate once every 26,000 years called the procession of the Equinoxes, due to the axis not rotating in one location but the rotating Axis ‘precesses’ around, so forming a path of a circle!   The Sphinx is the hand of a giant astrological clock. It marks our precessions through time as we orbit the Sun.

What lessons can we draw from this?  It seems an advanced civilization was here on Planet Earth. We cannot call on them for explanations.

Roger O. Smith.   12th December 2016