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A Key Cause of Weight Gain, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Dementia

Picture Courtesy by CreakyJoints

Medical scientists are investigating the causes of diabetes and why we have heart disease, kidney failure, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, blindness, and the consequential gangrene, limb amputations, depression and the list goes on. Why are we developing these illnesses, and what can be done to prevent them?

Medical research is revealing how the human body has remained unchanged over thousands of years, but our living circumstances, our environment has changed from a very difficult lifestyle of 150,000 years ago, to one where we can simply buy all the food and drink we want. Furthermore, businessmen sell it to us all dosed up with sugar and salt to boost sales and profits! Our body mechanisms, designed to prepare for winter hardships by fat storage have not changed but our living environment has. That is what is behind this great list of illnesses; it is due to mismatch of our food with our environment.

No-one has provided us with an Operating Manual on how our body works. We lack knowledge on how to keep it in good condition and functioning well. Now medical scientists and researchers do that for us, but gaining understanding is a slow process of trial and error. Researchers tend to put things in pigeon holes. For example, testosterone is for men and estrogen is for women. But that is not true, simply, both sexes have these but in different amounts. These pre-conceived ideas and ‘compartmentalizing’ delays our progress.

Why does a good brain go bad? We need to help people to prevent these diseases before they arise. Lifestyle improvements are needed. What part of the brain is causing Parkinson’s disease? Mainstream doctors’ practice does not seek to find causes but only treat symptoms. They need to treat people’s causal brain problems. Risk of Alzheimer’s is greater with poor sleep. We need to get people off foods that contain gluten, and now researchers know why parts of the brain are degenerating.

It has become clear how high levels of uric acid plays a big role in disturbing our metabolism. It contributes to insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction. This is important as it seems that metabolic disturbances are the root cause of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, but also coronary artery disease, type II diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. It is fundamentally important that we manage our metabolism by changing our lifestyle, controlling our blood sugar levels and improve our insulin sensitivity. To help this, doctors are recommending that we monitor our uric acid level. We should get it checked occasionally.   

There are three different sources from which our bodies will generate uric acid. First and foremost is fructose, especially drinking fruit juices heavily dosed with sugar or even artificial fructose made from corn syrup. Second, our bodies make uric acid from purines, or RNA and DNA found in animal organs such as liver and kidneys, and even from the results of our own body’s DNA during exercise. Finally, a major source for the making of uric acid is from drinking beer.

CAVEAT: The information given above has been gained from the large amount of information in short film clips to be found on YouTube. Always consult your doctor for advice on health matters.

ROS.  22/10/2022