The list of massacre by tamil tigers

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Deadliest attacks

Attack Date Location Death toll Sources
2006 Digampathana bombing October 16, 2006 Digampathaha, Dambulla North Central Province (Army Personal) 92–103  
Kebithigollewa massacre June 15, 2006 Kebithigollewa, Northern Province 66  
Gonagala massacre September 18, 1999 Gonagala, Eastern Province 54  
Dehiwala train bombing July 24, 1996 Dehiwala, Western Province 64  
Central Bank bombing January 31, 1996 Colombo, Western Province 91 [4]
October 1995 Eastern Sri Lanka massacres October 16, 1995 Villages in eastern Sri Lanka 120  
Kallarawa massacre May 25, 1995 Kallarawa, Eastern Province 42  
Palliyagodella massacre October 15, 1991 Palliyagodella, Eastern Province 109 [5][6]
Kattankudi mosque massacre August 4, 1990 Kattankudy, Eastern Province 147 [7]
Aranthalawa Massacre July 2, 1987 Aranthalawa, North Central Province 35  
Habarana bus massacre April 17, 1987 Habarana, North Central Province 127 [5][8]
Anuradhapura massacre May 14, 1985 Anuradhapura, North Central Province 146 [4][6]
Kent and Dollar Farm massacres November 30, 1984 Kent and Dollar Farm, Mullaitivu 62  
Suicide Air Raid on Colombo February 20, 2009 Colombo, Western Province 2  

The following incomplete list is constantly being updated. Revisions and sourced additions are welcome.


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
September 17 A carnival held at the Duraiappah Stadium is bombed by The Tamil New Tigers. Jaffna, Jaffna District   unknown     [9]


  • Throughout 1974, the Tamil New Tigers and other Tamil rebel groups launched several bomb attacks targeting the Mayor of Jaffna and Jaffna civilians.[9]

These include:

  • hands bombs lobbied into a jeep at the Kankesanturai Police Sation
  • dynamite ignited at the home of V. Ponnambalam, a member of the Communist Party
  • dynamite thrown into Chenkathanai Railway Station causing extensive damage
  • bombs exploded in the Grand Bazar, Jaffna
  • CTB buses set on fire[9]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
July 27 Mayor of Jaffna Alfred Duraiappah is shot to death by LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran in the first major attack by the group. Jaffna, Jaffna District   1   1 [10]


1976, saw a series of brazen robberies committed by the LTTE.

In March 1976, LTTE members robbed the People’s Bank at Puttur of Rs. 668,000 in cash and jewellery. This was followed by raids on Multi-Purpose Co-Operative Services in Puloly and Madagal.


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
February 14 PC Karunandhi is shot to death for investigating crimes committed by the LTTE. Mavadipuram, Jaffna District   1   1 [9]
May 18 Two officers named Shanmuganathan are killed for the same reason Inuvil, Jaffna District   2   2 [9]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
January K. Kanagaratnam is shot in the head by Uma Maheshwaran and other LTTE members for switching party affliction from the TULF to the UNP. Kollupitiya, Western District   1     [9]
April 7 Inspector Bastianpillai and Sub-Inspector Perampalan are shot to death along with their chauffeur while chasing down Maheshawan. Bastianpillai’s body is then mutilated and their car is set on fire after its radio equipment is taken. Murunkan, Mannar District   3   3 [9]
May Inspector Pathmanathan is killed in his home. Jaffna, Jaffna District   1   1 [9]
June Inspector Kumaru is killed while shopping. Velvettiturai, Jaffna District   1   1 [9]
December 5 Police Constable Kingsley Perera and Satchithanadan are shot to death during a raid on the People’s Bank at Nallur. The LTTE robbed the bank over over 1 million rupees in cash. Nallur, Jaffna District 1 1   2 [9]
  • In July, 4 robberies are carried out.
    • 2 from CTB buses
    • 1 from a van
    • Rs. 15,000 from a travelling salesman[9]
  • In September a CTB bus is set on fire.[9]
  • Later schoolteacher salaries were robbed in Point Pedro.[9]
  • On September 7, 1978 a bomb is planted on an Air Ceylon plane flying from Kankesanturai to Colombo. It exploded after landing while in the hangar.[9]
  • Some time later the Kopai Multi-Purpose Co-Operative Society was robbed of Rs. 30,000 using a stolen vehicle. The owner of the vehicle was thrown into his luggage compartment.[9]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
  S. A. Emmanuel of Chankanai, Thaadi Thangarajah of Kondavil, A. Krishnagol of Velvettiturai, T. Poopalasingham of Chunnakam and A. Sivarajah of Thondamannar are executed by the LTTE for providing evidence against them to the police. Jaffna District   5   5 [9]
  PC Gnanasambandan, PC Sivanesan, Inspector Guruswamy, S. Swarnarajah and his wife are executed by the LTTE. Jaffna District   5   5 [9]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
July 23 Black July: 13 soldiers are killed in an LTTE ambush in Jaffna, sparking anti-Tamil riots that cause the death of several hundred of Tamils across Sri Lanka during four days, in what would be later labelled as Black July. Jaffna, Jaffna District 13     13 [11][12]


1984 marked the intensification of the war between the Tamil separatists and the Sri Lankan government, as well as the first reports of civilian massacres by the LTTE.

Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
November 11 Dollar Farm massacre: A group of armed LTTE cadres attacked the Dollar Farm village in the night and massacred at least 33 civilians including large number of children and women. Mullaitivu District, Northern Province, Sri Lanka 33     33 [13]
November 30 Kent Farm massacre: LTTE terrorists launched their second night raid targeting the Kent Farm village and massacred 29 civilians, including women and children, looted their belongings and set fire on to their houses. Mullaitivu District, Northern Province, Sri Lanka 29     29 [13]
December 1 Kokilai massacre: LTTE cadres kill eleven Sinhalese civilians in the fishing village of Kokilai. Kokkilai, Mullaitivu District 11     11 [5]
December 31 LTTE members kill 4 Tamil civilians and dump them outside of Batticaloa for refusing to fight for the group. Altogether 30 Tamil civilians were killed for similar reasons in 1984. Batticaloa, Batticaloa District   30   30 [14]


1985 marked a major escalation of hostilities. For the first time the LTTE attacked a major Sinhalese majority town killing 146 unarmed civilians. The impact of this attack was felt across the island and received world wide attention.

Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
January 20 22 soldiers and 10 civilians are killed in a train explosion set off by the LTTE. Colombo, Western District 33     33 [15]
May 5 Wilpattu Village Massacre: A group of armed LTTE terrorists raided an ancient Sinhalese village in Wilpattu in Anuradhapura district killing 18 villagers including women and children. Wilpattu, Anuradhapura District 18     18 [16]
May 14 Anuradhapura massacre: LTTE gunmen shoot dead 146 Sinhalese civilians and injure 85 others as they were praying at a sacred Buddhist shrine in Anuradhapura. Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura District 146     146 [11]
May 14 LTTE cadres shoot dead 18 Sinhalese civilians in the Wilpattu forest reserve while they are fleeing from the massacre of 146 civilians earlier in the day (see Anuradhapura massacre). Wilpattu forest reserve 18     18 [5]
May 30 LTTE cadres shoot and kill five Sinhalese civilians in the villages of Mahandapura And Dehiwatta. People of these villages had previously received numerous threats from the LTTE associates. This massacre was part of a series of massacres aimed at displacing Sinhalese from the North East of Sri Lanka. Mahandapura and Dehiwatta 5     5 [17]
June 4 Dehiwatta Village Massacre: Over 100 LTTE terrorists armed with sharp weapons butchered 15 villagers of Dehiwatta in Polonnaruwa district on their sleeping mats. Majority of the victims were women and children. Dehiwatta, Polonnaruwa District 15     15 [16]
June 11 13 Sinhalese civilians are shot dead by LTTE gunmen in Dehiwatta. Dehiwatta 13     13 [5]
August 2 LTTE cadres shot dead three Sinhalese Buddhist monks and three civilians, while they were worshipping at the Ruhunu Somavathiya Temple. Thrikonamadu, Polonnaruwa 6     6 [5]
August 14 Aranthalawa Village Massacre: A group of armed LTTE terrorists raided a Sinhalse village at Aranthalawa , in Ampara district . The LTTE butchered 7 villagers. Aranthalawa, Ampara District 7     7 [16]
August 18 Namalwatta Village Massacre I: A group of LTTE terrorists armed with sharp weapons hacked 7 villagers. Namalwatta, Trincomalee 7     7 [16]
November 7 Namalwatta Village Massacre II: LTTE cadres raided Namalwatta village for the second time and executed 10 villagers including women and children. Namalwatta, Trincomalee 10     10 [16]
December 20 Six Madhu pilgrims, abducted by the LTTE on 12/12/85 were executed. Mannar, Mannar District       6 [5]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
February 2 Kantale Village massacre: A group LTTE terrorist armed with small arms and swords raided Kantale village and killed 19 civilians. Kantale, Trincomalee District       19 [18]
February 19 When refugees from Serunuwara, Dehiwatta were being escorted by army personnel along Ella/Kantalai road, LTTE exploded a mine killing 35 civilians and four army personnel. Sittaru Kantalai, Trincomalee District       39 [5]
May 3 Air Lanka Flight UL512: LTTE bomb explodes aboard Air Lanka flight carrying mainly French, British and Japanese tourists killing 21 (including 13 foreigners – of whom 2 British, 2 German, 3 French, 2 Japanese, 1 Maldivian and 1 Pakistani) and injuring 41 on Bandaranaike International Airport. Katunayake, Western Province       21 [5][19]
May 5 Kinniya Village massacre: A group of LTTE terrorists slaughtered four civilians. Kinniya, Trincomalee District     4 4 [18]
May 6 Central Telegraph Office Bombing A bomb detonated by the LTTE terrorists kills 14 civilians at the Central Telegraph Office, Colombo. Colombo       14 [18]
May 25 Mahadivulwewa Village massacre: LTTE cadres shot dead 20 Sinhalese and set fire to 20 houses. Mahadivulwewa, Anuradhapura District 20     20 [5][18]
June 2 Trincomalee 3rd Mile post: LTTE terrorists armed with fire arms, swords, and knives stormed civilian houses at 3rd Mile Post, Trincomalee and butchered 10 civilians, including women and children Trincomalee       10 [18]
June 4 Andankulam Village massacre: LTTE terrorists attacked Andankulam, a Sinhala village, 17–20 civilians, including Ven. Bakamune Subaddalanakara Thero, were killed. Andankulam, Trincomalee District 17–20     17–20 [5][18]
June 11 Trincomalee Two bombs exploded by LTTE almost simultaneously in two buses in front of the Bank of Ceylon and in close proximity to the SP office along Inner Harbour Road. They were on their way to Kantalai and Colombo respectively. 22 people were killed in the explosions; 75 others were injured. Trincomalee       22 [5][18]
June 21 Wilgamwehera Village massacre: LTTE terrorists stormed Wilgamwehera hamlet in Trincomalee district and butchered 9 civilians including children. Wilgamwehera, Trincomalee District       9 [18]
June 25 Bomb exploded in a vehicle by LTTE killed 16 Sinhalese. Sittaru, Kantalai 16     16 [5]
July 8 Monkey Bridge Village massacre: LTTE cadres shot dead 15 Sinhalese villagers. Monkey Bridge, Trincomalee District 15     15 [5][18]
July 9 Mollipothana Village massacre: LTTE terrorists armed with swords, machetes and clubs stormed Mullipothana village during night hours killing 16 civilians, largely women and children were killed. Mullipothana, Trincomalee District       16 [18]
July 13 Pavakkulam Village massacre: Four LTTE cadres who had come in a jeep to tract No.16, Pavakkulam, killed eleven civilians (two Sinhalese and nine Tamils). Pavakkulam, Trincomalee District 2 9   11 [5][18]
July 19 Beruwil & Wadigawewa Village massacre: Over 100 armed LTTE terrorists armed with sharp weapons, clubs and small arms stormed Beruwil and Waigawewa villages. 17 villagers were killed including women and children. At least 5 others suffered serious cut wounds Beruwil & Wilgamwehera, Trincomalee District       17 [18]
July 19 LTTE cadres shot dead twelve Sinhalese villagers. Wadigawewa, North Central Province 12     12 [5]
July 22 LTTE cadres exploded a land-mine on a civilian bus, killing 32 Sinhalese civilians and injuring 20 others. Mammaduwa, Vavuniya District 32     32  
July 24 A bomb exploded inside a bus proceeding from Vavuniya to Anuradhapura; killing 13 passengers and injuring 40 others.         13 [5]
July 24 About 50 LTTE cadres entered Damana, a Sinhalese village, and killed nine persons; another 13 were injured. Damana, Central Province       9 [5]
September 17 Massacre in the Sugar crops: LTTE cadres entered block No.4 Sugar Corp., Kantalai and ten civilians were shot to death. Kantalai, Trincomalee District 7 1 2 10 [5]
September 17 Wadigawewa Village massacre: After massacring 10 villagers in Kantale, the same terrorists group attacked the village of Wadigawewa. 12 villagers including women and children were killed Wadigawewa, Trincomalee District       12 [18]


  • February 7: Arantalawa, Ampara: LTTE cadres killed 28 villagers by slashing their necks.[5]
  • March 7: Awarantalawa, Vavuniya: LTTE exploded a land-mine where troops were proceeding, killing seven soldiers, four NAF soldiers and six civilians.[5]
  • March 22: Serunuwara Horowpathana: LTTE cadres shot dead 26 Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • April 16: Habarana, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 127 Sinhalese civilians , including 31 police and security force personnel who were travelling in buses to Trincomalee.[5][8]
  • April 21: Central Bus Stand, Pettah: LTTE operatives exploded a bomb, killing 113 civilians, two policemen and a soldier; 298 others were injured.[4]Further information: Central Bus Station Bombing
  • April 21: Jayanthipura Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 15 Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • May 29: Kadawathmadu, Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres shot dead seven Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • June 2: A bus carrying Buddhist monks in Arantalawa was stopped by the LTTE who then killed 32 Buddhist monks (including Chief Priest Ven. Hegoda Indrasara) who were passengers of this bus. Only one monk survived this massacre. This was the first massacre of Buddhist monks in modern Sri Lankan history.[20]Further information: Aranthalawa Massacre
  • June 11: Veppankulam Trincomalee Private van No. 38 Sri 496 proceeding from Horowpathana to Trincomalee was blasted by a pressure mine by LTTE, killing one soldier and 13 civilians.[5]
  • June 12: Godapotta, Medirigiriya Polonnaruwa: About 175 villagers had gathered to discuss a new temple. LTTE fighters surrounded the temple and attacked them, killing eight villagers and a soldier. Six persons were injured.[5]
  • July 5: In the first ever suicide attack by the LTTE Black TigersCaptain Miller“, drives a small truck laden with explosives into a Sri Lanka Army camp in Nelliady, Jaffnapeninsula, killing himself and over 50 Sri Lankan soldiers.
  • October 6: Batticaloa: LTTE cadres shot dead 18 Sinhalese civilians.[5]
  • October 6: Sagarapura, Kuchchuveli Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 27 Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • October 6: Thalawai Eravur: LTTE cadres shot dead 25 Sinhalese settlers.[5]
  • October 6: Valaichchenai Batticaloa: The night-mail train from Batticaloa was stopped by LTTE cadres and 40 Sinhalese passengers were killed.[5]
  • October 7: Pottuvil Monargala Road: LTTE cadres shot dead 25 Sinhalese passengers, who were traveling by bus. They also killed five motor-cyclists who came along the same route.[5]
  • October 10: Gantalawa Kantalai: LTTE cadres shot dead ten Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • October 15:Ella, Kantalai Road, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 14 Sinhalese passengers traveling on two lorries.
  • October 16: Pulimodai Trincomalee: LTTE cadres stopped a private bus, took out Sinhalese persons and killed eleven of them including three policemen.[5]
  • October 19: Kalkudah Batticaloa: Private bus 23 – 1182 transporting Tamil passengers got caught on an LTTE land-mine, killing 40 persons and an IPKF soldier[5]
  • November 9:Maradana Colombo: LTTE operatives exploded a bomb in a vehicle: 23 civilians killed, 106 were injured, 15 were shot dead.
  • November 11: Kalkuda, Batticaloa: Seven Sinhalese persons selling fish were shot dead by the LTTE.[5]
  • November 12: Cheddikulam, Vavuniya: A van transporting passengers was blasted by an LTTE land-mine explosion, killing twelve Tamil persons and 13 PLOTE members.[5]
  • December 15: Devalagodella, Polonnaruwa: The LTTE attacked Devalagodella and Somavathiya village, killing nine villagers.[5]
  • December 22: Morawewa, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres abducted five Sinhalese and a Tamil, who were fishing in Morawewa Tank and subsequently killed them.[5]
  • December 31: Mahadivulwewa Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead ten villagers and burnt 15 houses.[5]


  • March 2: Morawewa, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 14 Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • March 11: Suhadagama Horowpathana Anuradhapura: A group of LTTE cadres attacked a private bus, 22 Sri 2218, at Suhadagamaw with small arms and grenades, killing 19 passengers and injuring nine others.[5]
  • March 14: Galmitiyawa, Kantalai: LTTE cadres shot dead 13 Sinhalese villagers at Galmitiyawa.[5]
  • March 15: Kivulkade, Morawewa, Trincomalee: Two groups of LTTE operatives entered the village and killed seven Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • March 17: Deegavapiya, Damana, Ampara: LTTE cadres hacked to death 13 Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • March 22: Pudukulam, Vavuniya: Between ten and 15 LTTE cadres attacked the Sinhalese village and killed six villagers. Another three were injured.[5]
  • March 22: Medavachchi-kulam Vavuniya: LTTE cadres shot dead nine Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • March 29: Wewalketiya: A LTTE bomb exploded inside CTB bus 29 Sri 9037 Anuradhapura which was proceeding from Horowpathana to Medavachchiya, killing nine passengers and injuring 14 others.[5]
  • March 31: Saindamaradu, Kalmunai: LTTE cadres attacked the village, killing ten Muslims and seven Tamils.[5]
  • April 8: Horowpathana, Meegaswewa, Anuradhapura: LTTE gunmen killed 14 Sinhalese.[5]
  • May 1: Sittaru Kantalai, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres exploded a land-mine on a CTB bus killing twelve Sinhalese, nine Muslims and five others, who were not identified.[5]
  • July 28: Ethawetunawewa, Weli Oya: LTTE operatives hacked to death 16 Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • August 16: Trincomalee (opposite Clock Tower): LTTE cadres exploded a bomb, killing sixe Sinhalese, two Muslims, one Tamil and a soldier; 19 persons sustained injuries.[5]
  • August 25: Marawila, Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres killed eleven civilians by cutting their necks.[5]
  • September 10: 16th Colony, Central Camp Ampara: LTTE cadres shot dead seven Sinhalese and four Tamils.[5]
  • October 9: Mahakongaskada Medavachchiya: LTTE cadres shot dead 44 Sinhalese villagers and set fire to eleven houses.[5]
  • November 14: Paniketiyawa, Gomarakadawela Trincomalee: LTTE cadres shot dead 28 Sinhalese, including two security force personnel.[5]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
January 17 Maharambekulam Village massacre 9     9 [21]
February 2 Bogamuyaya Village massacre 11     11 [5][21]
February 11 Dutuwewa Village massacre Dutuwewa, Polonnaruwa District 37     37 [5][21]
February 11 Singhapura Village massacre Singhapura, Sri Lanka 6     6 [5][5][21]
February 27 Borawewa Village bloodbath Borawewa, Polonnaruwa District 38     38 [5][21]
August 17 Nochchikulam Village massacre: An IDE explosion, killing eight civilians and injuring four others. Nochchikulam, Vavuniya District       8 [5]


See also: Massacre of police officers in Eastern Sri Lanka in June 1990

  • June 10: The LTTE signals the breakdown of ceasefire talks by overrunning police stations located throughout the North East of Sri Lanka. The LTTE massacred most of the 400 to 600 police officers captured after they had surrendered to the LTTE during this attack.[22]
  • June 10: Over 400 unarmed police officers are shot dead by the LTTE in Police Stations across eastern Sri Lanka.[23]Further information: Massacre of police officers in Eastern Sri Lanka in June 1990
  • June 15: 11 soldiers are killed in Kalmunai by the LTTE and their bodies are desecrated.[24]
  • July 23: Veeracholai, Batticaloa: LTTE cadres killed eight persons, thought to be Muslims and hanged them on trees.[5]
  • July 24: Damminna, Aralaganvila Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres hacked to death eight Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • July 25: Wan Ela, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres hacked to death nine Sinhalese villagers who were cutting firewood.[5]
  • July 26: Thammannaelawaka Medavachchiya: LTTE cadres hacked and shot to death 19 Sinhalese and set fire to 30 houses.[5]
  • July 30: Akkaraipattu Batticaloa: LTTE cadres shot dead 14 Muslims in the town.[5]
  • July 31: Podankadu, Peraru, Kantalai: Ten Tamil civilians were killed by unidentified gunmen.[5]
  • August 3: Over 30 Tamil Tiger cadres attacked four Muslim mosques in Kattankudy in Batticaloa district, killing at least 147 Muslims who were praying in the mosques.[25]Further information: Kattankudi mosque massacre
  • August 5: Mulliyankadu, Ampara: LTTE cadres killed 17 Muslim farmers working in a paddy-field.[5]
  • August 6: Ampara: LTTE cadres killed 33 Muslim farmers working in a paddy-field.[5]
  • August 7: Bandaraduwa, Uhana, Ampara: About 40 LTTE cadres went to a Sinhalese village and killed 30 Sinhalese and injured four.[5]
  • August 8: Navagamuwa, Anuradhapura: LTTE cadres attacked a Sinhalese village and killed seven civilians; four persons were injured.[5]
  • August 11: Division 3 & 6 Eravur LTTE cadres attacked Div. 3 & 6, Eravur, killing 116 Muslims and injuring 20 others.[5]
  • August 13: 15th Mile Post, Pulmoddai, Weli Oya: Twenty-five civilians who were travelling in a lorry from Negombo at Kokuvil were ambushed by LTTE cadres, who killed 14 of them.[5]
  • August 13: Awarantalawa Vavuniya A Muslim village adjoining a Sinhalese village was attacked by LTTE cadres; nine Muslims and one Sinhalese were killed. Three others were injured.[5]
  • September 13: Poonani, Batticaloa LTTE cadres hacked to death seven Muslim civilians and injured one.[5]
  • September 19: Vellamundal, Puttalam: LTTE cadres killed 23 Sinhalese and set fire to eleven houses at the fishing village.[5]
  • September 21: Pudukudiyirippu Ampara: LTTE cadres attacked the village killing 15 Muslims and injuring eleven.[5]
  • September 30: Peraweltalawa, Maha Oya, Ampara: LTTE cadres hacked to death nine Sinhalese villagers.[5]
  • October: The LTTE expelled, within 48 hours, 80,000 Muslims living under their control in the northern districts of the island: Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaittivu, and Mannar. Each civilian was only allowed to carry 150 Sri Lankan rupees when they were expelled from LTTE areas.[25]Further information: Expulsion of Muslims from Jaffna
  • October 2: Vahalkada, Ampara: LTTE cadres shot dead seven Sinhalese.[5]
  • October 11: Arugambay, Ampara: LTTE cadres shot dead nine Muslims.[5]
  • October 23: Thanthirimalai, Anuradhapura: LTTE cadres killed eight Sinhalese and two home guards.[5]
  • November 1: Halambawewa, Sinhapura, Weli Oya: LTTE cadres attacked the village and killed ten Sinhalese.[5]


  • January 23: Bogamuyaya Maha Oya, Ampara: LTTE cadres hacked to death 25 Sinhalese villagers and injured nine others, four subsequently succumbed to their injuries.[5]
  • March 2: At least 19 people, including Sri Lanka’s Deputy Defence Minister, Ranjan Wijeratne killed in an LTTE car bomb explosion in Colombo. A further 73 people injured.[20]
  • March 24: Bogamuyaya, Akkaraipattu: Bomb explosion carried out by LTTE at Fish Market Akkaraipattu, killing nine Muslims and injuring 32 others.[5]
  • March 31: Irudayapuram Batticaloa: LTTE cadres shot dead eight civilians at the market in the night.[5]
  • April 3: Keviliya, Foul Point, Trincomalee: LTTE cadres in two boats surrounded several boats and opened fire at the fishermen. Ten dead bodies and eleven injured were found. Sixteen were missing. The missing persons were either taken away or drowned after being shot.[5]
  • April 14: Ethimalai, Monaragala: LTTE cadres hacked to death 17 Sinhalese villagers and injured another.[5]
  • April 20: Niyadella, Okkampitiya, Moneragala: LTTE cadres attacked the village and hacked and shot to death 21 men, women and children.[5]
  • May 19: Erakkamam, Ampara LTTE cadres attacked five Muslims and two Sinhalese persons, whilst they were returning from the paddy-field, killing six persons and injuring one.[5]
  • May 21: LTTE suicide bomber Thenmuli Rajaratnam assassinated former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi while the latter was campaigning for a parliamentary candidate in Tamil Nadu, also killing an additional 13 civilians.[4] Following the assassination, seven suspected LTTE activists committed suicide after being surrounded by police.[26] In June 2006, the LTTE issued a formal apology for this action. However, the Indian government quickly responded saying forgiving Tamil Tigers for the 1991 killing of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi would amount to endorsing their ideology of terror.[27]
  • May 21: Sriperumbudur,  India: An LTTE suicide bomber kills former Indian Prime Minister and Indian Opposition Leader Rajiv Gandhi and 14 others.[28]
  • May 20: Malwatta, Sammanthurai, Ampara: LTTE cadres fired on a group of Muslims who were returning from the paddy-field in a tractor; nine Muslims were killed and two injured.[5]
  • June: Colombo: 12 killed and 85 civilians injured after a suicide bombing outside the Joint Operations Command (JOC) building on Flower Road, Colombo 7.[29]
  • June 12: Kokkadicholai, Batticaloa: LTTE Bomb explosion in Manmunai ferry kills ten civilians.[5]
  • June 24: Weligahakandiya Batticaloa: LTTE cadres abducted and killed eight Sinhalese and injured one Tamil.[5]
  • June 27: Lahugala, Ampara: LTTE cadres exploded two claymore mines and opened fire at the passengers of a private bus; 16 civilians were killed and eight wounded.[5]
  • July: The army’s Elephant Pass base, which controls access to the Jaffna peninsula, is surrounded by 5,000 LTTE cadres. More than two thousand died on both sides in the month-long siege, before 10,000 government troops arrived to relieve the base.[30]
  • July 6: Pudur, Jaffna: LTTE cadres cut and killed nine Muslims and moved towards the Mahaweli river bank and cut to death another eight persons, injuring four others. One of the injured succumbed to his injuries. Total killed: 16 Muslims and two Sinhalese.[5]
  • July 6: Karapola, Manampitiya, Polonnaruwa: Nine Sinhala fishermen were abducted by LTTE cadres and killed.[5]
  • August 8: Sammanthurai, Batticaloa: Six Muslims farmers killed by LTTE cadres.[5]
  • September 19: Palliyagodella, Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres attacked a Muslim village, killing 13 Muslims and injuring six others.[5]
  • October 24: Iqbal Nagar: LTTE cadres who were in ambush, fired at a civilian van killing three Tamils and three Muslims.[5]


  • January 26: Between Arantalawa and Borapola LTTE mine explosion killed nine civilians in a bus.[5]
  • April 10: Ampara Town: A LTTE bomb exploded in a bus causing the death of 25 civilians and injuring 33 civilians. One policeman was also killed and two army personnel were wounded.[5]
  • April 10: Maharagama: A LTTE car bomb exploded, causing the death of eight civilians; one policeman and 23 civilians were injured.[5]
  • April 29: LTTE cadres kill 69 Muslim civilians including 5 infants. Reprisal attacks by Muslim civilians and homeguards results in the death of 49 Tamil men.[31]
  • April 29: Alinchipothana, Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres attacked the Alinchipothana village, killing 56 Muslims and injuring 15.[32]
  • June 2: 209th Mile Post Ampara: A group of LTTE cadres stopped a bus opened fire, killing 14 civilians, one policeman, and injuring two civilians and one policeman.[5]
  • July 6: Parayankaulam, Vavuniya: LTTE cadres publicly shot dead ten Tamil lorry drivers and a woman, alleging that they had passed information to the security forces.[5]
  • July 15: Kirankulam, Batticaloa: LTTE cadres attacked a civilian bus proceeding from Kathankudy towards Kalmunai, killing 19 Muslims and injuring seven Muslims.[5]
  • July 21: Parangiyamadu, Batticaloa: LTTE cadres stopped a train, ordered the passengers to get down and opened fire at the Muslim passengers: seven Muslims were killed and four Muslims were injured.[5]
  • August 30: Trincomalee Town: A LTTE bomb planted in a private bus at the bus-stand exploded, killing nine civilians and injuring 34 (including four soldiers, two reserve policemen).[5]
  • September 1: Saindamaradu, Kalmunai: A LTTE bomb fixed to a push-cycle carrying an ice-cream container, exploded at the market, killing 22 Muslims and injuring 67 others.[5]
  • September 10: Kiliveddi Point, Trincomalee: LTTE operatives blasted a ferry across Allai Tank and killed 22 soldiers and seven civilians, and injured one soldier and two civilians.[5]
  • October 1: Konwewa Weli Oya: LTTE cadres fired and threw grenades at villagers, killing 15 civilians and injuring nine others.[5]
  • October 15: Palliyagodella Polonnaruwa: LTTE cadres attacked a Muslim village and shot and hacked to death 182 civilians (171 of them were Muslims), twelve policemen and eight soldiers; 83 others were injured.[5][6]Further information: Palliyagodella massacre
  • November 16: An anti-rebel website claimed that the Sri Lanka Navy Commander Vice Admiral Clancy Fernando and four others are killed by LTTE suicide bomber.[33]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
May 1 Assassination of Ranasinghe Premadasa: Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa killed in LTTE suicide bomb attack at a May Day Rally. Colombo, Colombo District 1 ? ? 1 [4]
July 25 Janakapura Village massacre: The LTTE raids a Sinhalese village and kills nine civilians by means of stabbing, shooting and blowing up with grenades. Janakapura       9 [34]
November 10 Attack on Pooneryn army camp: Eight officers and 233 soldiers were declared killed in action in LTTE’s attack on the Pooneryn defences. The LTTE also executed 200 soldiers captured during this attack on the Pooneryn army camp. Pooneryn army camp, Pooneryn       241 [22]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
January 19 Rambewa bus bombing: A LTTE bomb exploded in a private bus carrying civilians from Sripura to Anuradhapura, causing the death of ten Sinhalese civilians and injuring 51. Rambewa, Anuradhapura District 10     10 [5]
March 16 Kudiramalai Fishing boats Attack: LTTE cadres attacked about ten fishing boats, causing the death of 17 fishermen and injuring three; five fishermen were reported missing. Off Kudiramalai, Puttalam District       17 [5]
October 24 Assassination of Gamini Dissanayake: Sri Lankan presidential candidate and opposition leader Gamini Dissanayake is killed by an LTTE suicide bomber who explodes herself at a campaign rally in Colombo. At least 50 others were killed in the blast and a further 75 were seriously hurt. Colombo, Colombo District ≈50     ≈50 [11][35][36]


  • May 25: During the Kallarawa massacre 42 civilians including six children are killed by the LTTE in an attack on the Kallarawa fishing village.[37]
  • May 25: LTTE cadres attack a fishing village in Kallarawa, and hack and shot to death 42 civilians (22 males, twelve females and eight children).[38][39][40]Further information: Kallarawa massacre
  • August 7: Colombo: An LTTE suicide bomber explodes a suicide rickshaw killing 22 civilians.[33]
  • October 20: Kolonnawa, Colombo: LTTE attacked the oil storage complexes at Kolonnawa and Orugodawatta. At least three suicide bombers fought their way into the tanks and blew themselves up destroying the tanks. LTTE lost four cadres in the action while killing 22 security personnel and destroying diesel, kerosene, aviation fuel and crude oil worth over US $10 million.[41]
  • October 21: Mangalagama: LTTE cadres kill 16 civilians.[38]
  • October 25: Panama: LTTE cadres kill twelve Sinhala farmers.[39][40]
  • November 11: Colombo: A LTTE suicide bomber causes an explosion near the Slave Island railway station resulting in the death of 15 children and two soldiers.[33]
  • November 24: Colombo: An attack by two LTTE female suicide bombers on the Sri Lanka Army Headquarters results in the death of 16 people.[33]
  • December 11: Colombo: Two LTTE suicide bombers blow themselves up at the Army Headquarters, resulting in the deaths of 15 civilians and three soldiers.[33]
  • December 23: The LTTE attacked an army detachment in Batticaloa district, killing 32 troops. Military sources reported that more than 60 rebels were killed.[42]


  • January 31: An attack by the LTTE on the Colombo Central Bank killed 90 and injured a further 1,400 civilians, damaging other buildings in the process. It was the most deadly LTTE attack on a civilian target in the history of the group’s operations.[4]
  • January 31: Bombing of Sri Lanka’s Central Bank resulting in 91 civilian deaths.[4]
  • March 19: 29 Tamil civilians killed by LTTE, as they were accused of being traitors and giving information to Security Forces.[38]
  • June 11: Lunuoya LTTE kills 14 civilians. According to Amnesty International, this attack was reportedly led by an LTTE member whose family had been killed in communal violence, after the LTTE attacked a police post. The main target of this appears to have been the family of those thought to have been responsible for the killing of this LTTE member’s family.[38]
  • July 4: Jaffna: An attack by an LTTE suicide bomber on a Sri Lankan minister results in the death of 25 people.[33][43]
  • July 18: The LTTE overruns the Sri Lanka Army camp at Mullaitivu. The number of killed in action and missing in action Sri Lankan soldiers from this attack was over 1200.[44] The LTTE appear to have burnt alive hundreds of Sri Lankan soldiers who had surrendered during the attack on the Mullaitivu army camp.[45]
  • July 24: The LTTE bombs a passenger train killing 70 civilians.[4]
  • July 24: Dehiwala train bombing where the LTTE exploded 4 bombs on Colombo-Alutgama train at Dehiwala killing between 60[46] and 70 civilians.[4] The technique of simultaneously exploding multiple bombs in several carriages was used during this attack.[46]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
February 10 Oddaimvadi Village attack: A group LTTE terrorist attacked Oddaimavadi Muslim village in Batticaloa. The terrorists shot 5 civilians to death and wounded 3 others. Oddaimavadi, Batticaloa District     5 5 [47]
May 12 Morawewa Village attack: LTTE terrorists attacked police station of Morawewa and the village in Trincomalee. The terrorists butchered 5 civilians in this attack. Morawewa, Trincomalee District       5 [47]
July 2 Erakkandy Village Massacre: Over 100 LTTE terrorists wielding sharp weapons, clubs and firearms stormed Erakkandy Muslim village in Trincomalee and butchered 34 civilians. Erakkandy, Trincomalee District     34 34 [47]
October 15 1997 Colombo World Trade Centre Bombing: An LTTE bomb exploded at the Colombo World Trade Centre, killing 13 and injuring hundreds. Colombo, Colombo District       13 [6][48]


  • January 25: Four likely members of the Black Tiger squad drove an explosives-laden truck into the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, a major Buddhist shrine, killing seven and injuring 25. The attack took place just days before foreign dignitaries were expected to attend celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of Sri Lankan independence at the temple.[4]
  • January 25: Four members of the Black Tiger squad drive an explosives-laden truck into a major Buddhist shrine, killing seven and injuring 25.[4] The Maligawa is one of the most sacred Buddhist shrines in the world, and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[33]
  • March 5: LTTE is blamed for two bomb explosions aboard buses in Colombo killing thirty-two civilians and injuring 252 others.[4]
  • May 14: A member of the Black Tiger squad jumped in front of a vehicle carrying Sri Lankan Brigadier Larry Wijeratne and detonated explosives, killing the general and two guards. Wijeratne was the commander of Sri Lankan forces in the Point Pedroarea of the Jaffna peninsula in the Tamil-inhabited north of the country. Press reports described the assassination as a “serious blow” to the government’s efforts in the area.
  • August 29: The LTTE shoot down a AN-24 Lionair Flight 602 with 55 passengers (including 48 Tamils) and crew while it was flying over LTTE held territory. Everyone onboard is killed.[49][50]
  • September: In a massive LTTE offensive 1,500 soldiers are killed (Battle of Kilinochchi), 3,000 wounded and 500 are missing.[51]


  • June 2: Eleven Sinhalese civilians were murdered at Inginiyagala.[52]
  • July 29: An LTTE suicide bomber killed Sri Lankan Tamil MP Dr.Neelan Thiruchelvam along with two others. Six civilians were injured. At the time of his death Dr.Neelan Thiruchelvam was working on a constitutional package aimed at ending the decades long ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka.[53]
  • September 18: LTTE cadres massacre at least 50 Sinhalese civilians in three villages in Ampara District.[11][54][55][56]Further information: Gonagala massacre
  • November 1: An LTTE attack on an army camp at Oddusuddan results in an SLA defeat with 800 soldiers killed or missing and another 1,200 deserted (See Oddusuddan offensive).[51]
  • December 11 – January 2, 2000: 212 soldiers are killed in heavy fighting. Also another 37 are missing and 2,118 are wounded.[51]
  • December 18: A LTTE suicide bomber kills 23 civilians in attempt to kill Sri Lankan president Kumaratunga at a pre-election rally.[4][57]
  • December 18: In Colombo LTTE suicide bomber Skandaraja Ashoka kills eleven people and retired Sri Lanka Army Major General Lucky Algama.[33]


  • January 5: An LTTE suicide bomber blows herself up outside the office of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka killing 13 civilians and three police officers.[33][57]
  • January 7: An LTTE suicide bomber kills Sri Lankan Industrial Minister C.V. Gunaratne and 24 civilians.[33][58]
  • January 27: LTTE bomb a post office killing eleven and injuring 70.[59][60]
  • March 11: 14 civilians and six police die when four LTTE suicide bombers attempt to assassinate the defence minister. 46 others are injured[33][59]
  • April 22: The LTTE overrun the most important military base in the Northern province, the Elephant Pass base (See Second Battle of Elephant Pass ).[61]
  • May 18: An LTTE bomber killed 23 and injured 70 at a Buddhist temple in Batticaloa during celebrations of the Vesak holiday.[62]
  • May 17: The LTTE detonate a bomb hidden inside an ice-cream box on a bicycle during celebrations to mark the holiest day of the Buddhist calendar, Vesak, killing over 20 people and injuring 75.[63]
  • June 26: LTTE suicide boats sink a chartered private ship M.V. Uhana. Five civilian crew and three navy personnel die.[33]
  • September 15: An anti-rebel website claimed that in Colombo a suicide bomber explodes in front of the main government hospital in Colombo resulting in seven civilian deaths. 28 civilians are injured.[33]
  • October 3: An anti-rebel website claimed that the an LTTE bomb kills parliamentary candidate Mohammed Baithullah and more than twenty others in Muttur. At least 49 others were injured.[64]
  • October 5: An anti-rebel website claimed that in Medawacchchiya, Anuradhapura an attack by an LTTE suicide bomber on the Health and Indigenous Medicine Deputy Minister Tissa Karaliyadda results in the death of seven civilians and injuries to 40 civilians.[64]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
July 24 Bandaranaike Airport attack: An LTTE 14-man suicide squad attacked a Sri Lanka Air Force base and the adjoining Bandaranaike International Airport. They destroyed many aircraft, crippling the country’s economy and reducing tourism. Katunayake, Western Province 7 14   21 [65]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
August 12 Assassination of Lakshman Kadirgamar: Lakshman Kadirgamar, the foreign minister of Sri Lanka and an ethnic Tamil was shot by an alleged LTTE sniper. Colombo, Colombo District   1   1 [66]


  • January 7: A suspected LTTE fishing boat loaded with explosives detonates and destroys a Sri Lankan navy boat as it leaves the port of Trincomalee, killing 13 sailors.[67]
  • March 1: Five civilians die in suspected LTTE mine explosion.[68]
  • April 23: The LTTE kill six Sinhalese civilians including two 15 year old children in the village of Gomarankadawala in the Trincomalee district.[69]Further information: Gomarankadawala massacre
  • April 25: A suicide bomber, believed to belong to the LTTE, attempts to kill Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, seriously injuring him while killing eight others and injuring thirty more. The explosives were disguised as the late stages of pregnancy, and the bomber was originally believed to be pregnant, although subsequent medical tests have been inconclusive.[70]
  • May 11: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam Sea Tigers attacks and sink one Sri Lanka Navy vessel while seriously damaging another. The attack is ruled as a grave violation of the Cease Fire Agreement by the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission. In response, LTTE threathened the truce monitors not to be aboard naval vessels.[71] 18 sailors perish on the Sri Lankan patrolboat, and an unknown number of Sea Tiger cadres also die in the attack.[72] The fact that the lives of two Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission monitors on board these ships were endangered by this attack, triggered the European Union decision to ban the LTTE.[73]
  • May 27: The award-winning author Nihal de Silva and seven Sri Lankan tourists were killed by a supposed LTTE land mine in Wilpattu National Park. The explosion took place near Tamil held territory in the northern part of the country. Before a 2002 cease fire agreement, rebels used the park as a hiding place. It is unclear whether the mine was planted before or after the cease fire agreement.[74]
  • May 29: Thirteen farm workers were cut and shot in a village around Welikanda in Plonnaruwa. The government suspected the LTTE were responsible, while the LTTE responded that they had no involvement and that they were falsely implicated. Furthermore, the LTTE condemned this attack.[75][76]
  • May 30: An anti-rebel website claimed that the LTTE cadres kill twelve Sinhalese villagers working at an irrigation canal construction site in Omadiyamadu, close to the uncleared areas of Welikanda in Polonnaruwa district.[77]
  • June 15: The LTTE blow up a civilian buskilling 68, including ten children and three pregnant women. Approximately 60 more are injured.
  • June 15: The LTTE bombs a bus carrying 140 civilians in Kebithigollewa, in northeastern Sri Lanka. The blast results in the death of 68 civilians including 15 school children, and injurers 78 others. It was caused by two claymore mines placed side by side on the bus by LTTE cadres, which spraying the packed bus with millions of ball bearings upon manual detonation.[78]Further information: Kebithigollewa massacre
  • June 26: The third highest ranking Sri Lankan military officer, Major General Parami Kulatunga was wounded in an attack by LTTE and died after being taken to the hospital. Two other military escorts and a passerby were also killed.[79]
  • September 18: LTTE cadres massacre ten Muslims at Pothuwil in the Eastern province. The sole survivor of the attack confirms it was carried out by LTTE cadres.[80]Further information: Pottuvil massacre
  • October 16: In the deadliest ever suicide attack by the LTTE in Sri Lanka, a suicide bomber in a truck kills 103 sailors on buses going or returning from leave at a transit point and wounds over 150 other sailors. Several civilians may also have died.[81]
  • October 16: In the deadliest suicide attack in Sri Lanka to date, a suicide bomber in a truck kills 103 Sri Lanka Navy sailors on buses going or returning from leave at a transit point and wounds over 150 other sailors. Several civilians may also have died.[82]Further information: 2006 Digampathana truck bombing
  • December 1: An LTTE suicide bomber triggers the explosives packed into a vehicle in Colombo as a five car convoy carrying Sri Lankan Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse passes by, in an attempt to assassinate him. Secretary Rajapakse escapes unharmed, although two people are killed and 14 others are wounded, mostly civilians who were passing by the site.[83]


  • January 5: Nittambuwa: The LTTE are the only suspects in bomb blast on a city bus carrying more than 80 civilians. The resulting explosion kills six civilians and wounds 63, ten of them seriously. The bus was bombed during the evening rush-hour near Nittambuwa town, 40 km (25 miles) north-east of Colombo.[84][85] It followed a threat issued by the LTTE that they will carry out revenge attacks for air raids by the Sri Lanka Air Force.[86][87][88]Further information: 2007 Sri Lankan bus bombs
  • January 6: Peraliya: A suspected LTTE suicide bomber detonates herself inside a ColomboMatara passenger bus. 16 civilians are killed and more than 50 are injured.[89][90] These attacks on buses appear to be a fulfillment of threats made by the LTTE.[86][91]Further information: 2007 Sri Lankan bus bombs
  • February 7: Batticaloa: Rev. Selliah Parameswaran Kurukkal, the head Priest of the Santhiveli Pilleyar Kovil and a father of three, who blessed President Mahinda Rajapaksa during the President’s visit to Vakarai four days previously, is forcibly dragged out of his residence and shot dead by gunmen from the LTTE.[92][93][94][95] The gunmen had mentioned that they were from the LTTE and they needed to question the Poosari in connection with the garlanding of the President.[96][97] It is also suggested he had been targeted because he had co-operated with the security forces in order to help civilians flee the fighting around Vakarai.[98]
  • March 9: Puttlam: Eight people who entered the Wilpattu National Park to investigate the grievances of the local population over wild elephant attacks, including the Sri Lanka Army Area Commander, the head Park Warden and three park rangers, are ambushed and massacred by the LTTE.[99]
  • March 26: The LTTE mount their first air strike, bombing a government-controlled military airbase. The attack leaves three killed and 19 wounded.[100]
  • March 29: Tamil Nadu,  India: LTTE cadres kill five Indian fisherman off the coast of Tamil Nadu and kidnap twelve others. An anonymous caller initially attempts to blame the incidents on the Sri Lanka Navy.[101]
  • April 1: Eravur, Batticaloa: LTTE cadres massacre six aid workers who were constructing a housing scheme named “Village of Hope” for Tamil children orphaned by the 2004 Asian Tsunami. Another three aid workers suffer serious gunshot injuries following the shooting at close range which took place at 8.15 pm local time.[102][103][104][105]
  • April 2: Ampara: The LTTE bomb a civilian bus in eastern Sri Lanka, killing at least 16 civilians, and wounding 25 others. Among the dead are eleven women, three men and two boys.[106][107][108] Video of the blast scene
  • April 5: Polonnaruwa: In the third attack on civilians in a week, LTTE cadres shoot dead four Sinhalese farmers.[109]
  • April 7: Piramanalankulam, Vavunia: In the second such incident in five days, the LTTE bomb a civilian bus traveling along the Vavuniya–Mannar main road at 7:30 am, killing eight and wounding a further 26 people.[110][111] Video of the blast scene
  • April 12: Avarantalawa, Vavuniya: Suspected LTTE raid a village at around 4:45 pm (local time) and shoot dead seven people, of six women and one man, on the eve of the traditional New Year.[112][113]
  • April 23: Vavunia: The Sri Lankan Defence Ministry claimed that the LTTE cadres A bomb set off by rips through a civilian bus traveling near the town of Vavuniya killing five passengers and wounding 35.[114][115]
  • April 24: The LTTE mount a second air strike on Palaly, the main government-controlled military airbase in Northern Jaffna.[116]
  • April 29: Two fuel facilities were bombed by the LTTE during an air raid which they said was in response to an army strike on their positions.[117]
  • May 24: Colombo: The Sri Lankan Army claimed that it suspects Tamil Tigers exploded an IED fixed on motorbike in Colombo targeting a bus transporting Sri Lankan Army personal killing one soldier and wounding six people, including three civilians.[118][119][120] Video of the blast scene
  • May 27: Thirukkovil: The Sri Lankan Military said Tamil Tiger rebels set off a road side bomb blast blew up a truck, killing the three civilians.[121][122][123][124]
  • May 28: Rathmalana: The Sri Lankan Military and a doctor claimed that the Tamil Tigers detonated a bomb targeting a truck carrying Sri Lanka Police Special Task Force (STF) personnel at Belk Kade junction, in Rathmalana during the evening, killing seven civilians and injureding more than 39 people, including seven STF personal. Amongst dead were one pregnant mother.[125][126][127][128]
  • July 16: Trincomalee: Suspected Tamil Tigers gunned down Eastern province chief secretary Herath Abeyweera at around 5:30 p.m. local time (12.00 GMT).[129][130]
  • August 20: Vavuniya: Sri Lanka military claimed that Tamil Tiger rebels in a jeep opened fire on the police checkpoint in Vavuniya district, killing four home guards including three female guards and one civilian.[131][132][133]
  • September 22: Trincomalee: The Sri Lankan military claimed that suspected Tamil Tigers detonates a mine targeting a bus carrying civilians in Trincomalee district killing the driver of it and wounding two others.[134][135][136]
  • September 27: Jaffna: At least two civilians were killed and about fifteen were injured, including two policemen when LTTE rebels had triggered a road side bomb targeting a police road patrol vehicle at Chunnakam, Jaffna market area around 10.30 a.m. local time (0500 GMT).[137][138][139]
  • October 22: LTTE attacked Anuradapura Airbase destroying more than 20 military aircrafts (See Raid on Anuradhapura Air Force Base).
  • November 26: Group of LTTE cadres shot and killed four Sinhalese farmers, including one woman, at Mahawilachchiya, Anuradhapura. For details look Mahawilachchiya massacre[citation needed]
  • November 28: Colombo: A suspected LTTE cadre blows herself up in front of the office of Douglas Devananda, the leader of the Eelam People’s Democratic Party in an attempt to assassinate him. Devanda escapes unhurt, but his personal secretary is killed and two of his security personnel are seriously injured.[140]
  • November 28: Colombo: An LTTE parcel bomb blows up a Department Store in Colombo killing 20 civilians. Amnesty International have asked the LTTE to comply with international law and halt such attacks.[141]


  • January 1: Colombo: A former minister and a Member of Parliament belonging to UNP for Colombo District T. Maheswaran was shot by a gunman while attending the New Year prayers at Kotahena, Sivam Kovil around 10:35 local time (05:05 GMT) and later succumbed to his injuries at the Colombo General Hospital along with one Hindu pilgrim who was too attending to the prayers.[142][143][144] UNP parliamentarians Johnston Fernando and Dayasiri Jayasekara accused the current government as responsible by saying that T. Maheswaran’s plan to reveal Jaffna situation has led to his murder. The government has denied any responsibility.[145] However, The Council on Foreign Relations claimed that LTTE was suspected.[146] To the accusation that Douglas Devananda a cabinet minister and leader of the EPDP political party was involved in his murder and had previously threatened T. Maheswaran, Douglas had denied any responsibility.[147] Later the government of Sri Lanka claimed that the suspected gunmen worked for the state. The suspected gunman was a security guard for Minister Douglas Devananda and for the victim – Maheswaran.[148]
  • January 2: Colombo: A bomb attack outside the Nipon Hotel in the Slave Island district, aimed at a Sri Lankan Army bus, killed at least four people, including a soldier and three civilians, and injured 28 others, Sri Lankan defense and hospital officials said. The Defense Ministry blamed the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam for the attack.[149]
  • January 8: Ja-Ela: A non-cabinet Minister of Nation Building and a Member of Parliament of Sri Lanka, D. M. Dassanayake died of injuries sustained in a roadside bomb attack in Ja-Ela, twelve miles (19 km) north of Colombo along with one of his body guard. The attack injured ten others. LTTE blamed for this assassination.[146][150]
  • January 16: Buttala: A roadside bomb targeting a passenger bus packed with civilians, killing 27 civilians including three schoolchildren and wounding 67 others, 240 km (150 miles) south-east of the capital, Colombo. This attack took place on the same day that a ceasefire ended between the Tamil Tigers and the government of Sri Lanka. Also, after the blast, gunmen had started shooting passengers as they tried to flee. According to the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry, the bus was hit by a powerful Claymore-type mine which was packed with explosives and ball-bearings. The Sri Lankan Defence Ministry blames the LTTE.[151][152][153][154][155][156]
  • February 2: Dambulla: A bomb blast was accord on a passenger bus, 150 kilometres (93 miles) north of the island’s capital killing 20 people and injuring 50 more. The Sri Lankan government has blamed the LTTE for this attack.[157]
  • February 3: Colombo:A suicide bomber exploded herself at on broad a train at the main railway station in Colombo Fort, killing eleven people and wounding 97 others.[158] Killed in the incident where seven school children of the baseball team of D. S. Senanayake College and their coach.[159][160]Further information: 2008 Fort Railway Station Bombing
  • February 23: Mount Lavinia: A bomb went off in a bus in the suburban town of Mount Lavinia, 10 kilometres (six miles) south of the capital of Colombo, wounding at least 18 people including seven women and an 8-month-old infant. Government blamed on Tamil Tigers for the responsibility.[161][162][163][164]
  • February 23: Batticaloa: A suspected Tamil Tiger suicide bomber blew himself up in east Sri Lanka on Sunday killing two members of a regional political party.[165][166]
  • February 29: Colombo: A suicide bomber exploded himself and wounding seven included three policemen and four civilians, when Sri Lanka Police attempt to search his house during a search and cordon operation by police aimed at flushing out Tamil Tiger rebels seeking to mount attacks in the capital.[167][168]
  • March 2: Vavuniya: A roadside bomb exploded wounding four policemen and six civilians in a northern city of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Military blames the LTTE.[169]
  • March 10: Colombo: A bomb hidden in a roadside flowerpot in Sri Lanka’s capital Monday, killing one person and injuring six others, including four children who were on their way to school. Government blamed on Tamil Tigers for the responsibility.[170][171]
  • April 6:Colombo: A suicide bomber killed 14 people at an opening ceremony for a marathon Sunday, including a government minister who was nearing the starting line with a flag and a former Olympian. More than 90 others were wounded in the attack.Further information: 2008 Weliveriya bombing
  • April 25: Colombo: A parcel bomb explodes inside a bus in the residential suburb of Piliyandala, killing 24 and wounding 52.[172][173]Further information: 2008 Piliyandala bus bombing
  • May 16: Colombo: A LTTE suicide bomber on a motorcycle packed with explosives rammed into a bus carrying a police riot squad, killing 13 people which included 11 police personal and 2 civilians, and wounding 95.[174][175]
  • May 26: Dehiwala: A bomb exploded inside a crowded train in Dehiwala station, killing 8 people and wounding 67.[176] The same place or very close to that place where the LTTE’s Dehiwala train bombing in 1996, which resulted 64 deaths and 400 wounded.[177]Further information: 2008 Dehiwala train bombing
  • June 4: Wellawatte: A bomb exploded between the railway tracks hit by packed commuter train at 0710 local time between the Dehiwala and Wellawatte railway stations, was injured at least 24 people. The incident happened after one weeks time in the same area, also the Police said that they have captured the two suspects in the same day.[178]Further information: 2008 Wellawatte train bombing
  • June 6:
    • Moratuwa: A roadside bomb exploded targeting a passenger bus during rush hour, killing 23 civilians and wounding 80 more. The Sri Lankan Government blames the LTTE.[179]Further information: 2008 Moratuwa bus bombing
    • Pollgolla, Kandy: A bomb blast occurred on a passenger bus, killing 2 civilians and wounding 20. The Sri Lankan Government blamed the LTTE.[180]Further information: 2008 Polgolla bus bombing
  • June 16: Vavuniya: Suspected LTTE suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated explosives in front of a police office killing 12 policemen including 4 female police constables and wounded 40 others including school children.[181]


Date Attack Location Sinhalese Tamils Muslims Death toll Sources
February 20 2009 suicide air raid on Colombo: The LTTE launched an unsuccessful kamikaze style suicide attack targeting locations in and around Colombo. Colombo, Colombo District   2   4  
February 22 Kirimetiya Village massacre: The Sri Lanka Defence Ministry claimed that 10 people were killed by LTTE Kirimetiya, Eastern Province       10 [182]
April 12 Mahagodayaya massacre: 9 people were killed including 2 children Mahagodaya, Moneragala District 9     9  


  1. ^ Gunaratna, Rohan (2001-11-03). “Intelligence failures exposed by Tamil Tiger airport attack”. Jane’s Information Group. Archived from the original on 2007-03-03. Retrieved 2007-04-27. 
  2. ^ “Consular Information Sheet – Sri Lanka”. Bureau of Consular Affairs (U.S. Department of State). 2007-04-11. Retrieved 2007-04-27. 
  3. ^ “CRS Report for Congress, Foreign Terrorist Organizations” (PDF). Bureau of Consular Affairs (The Library of Congress). 2004-02-06. Retrieved 2007-04-27. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m “Timeline of the Tamil conflict”. BBC News. 2000-09-04. Retrieved 2007-05-16. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj Letter sent by the Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the Centre for Human Rights, 9 August 1994
  6. ^ a b c d Sturcke, James (2003-11-14). “Sri Lanka chronology”. The Guardian (London).,,681879,00.html. Retrieved 2007-05-16. 
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