Report ‘breathing life into a dead terrorist organization’

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Report ‘breathing life into a dead terrorist organization’

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Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella yesterday said that the controversial Darusman report on Sri Lanka was about breathing life into a dead terrorist organization.

The report was released publicly yesterday.

‘No one in the civilized world would accept it’, Rambukwella pointed out.

‘It is totally in favour of the LTTE, which had been one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations to have been banned internationally’, the minister said.

Commenting on the release of the Darusman report, Rambukwella said they were asked by the creators of the report to respond to their work.

”Why do we respond to a report we do not accept?,” he said.

Security Forces personnel rescuing civilians from the clutches of the LTTE. These civilians were kept as a human shield by the LTTE