JVP admits it has been behind Galle Face protest

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Published9 months ago


    Courtecy by Island.lk By Saman Indrajith

    JVP General Secretary Tilva Silva yesterday (10) said that Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa shouldn’t have visited Galle Face during the SLPP goons attacks on protesters.

    Silva was commenting on protesters attacking the SJP leader and his colleagues as they walked towards the crowds.

    The JVP General Secretary said so addressing the media at the party headquarters in Pelawatte.

    “Everybody should be careful. People hate to see politicians travelling in luxury cars with security contingents. People detested the politicians’ attitude of trying to stay above them. The Opposition Leader went there in his luxury vehicles with his security guards and henchmen. So, he had to face the wrath of the people.

    “Go and see what happens on the roads. Angry people stop only luxury vehicles. They have a reasonable anger against them because they know that they have to live without food because the politicians and their officials travel in those petrol guzzlers.

    “The Opposition leader should know where he should go. On the other hand, the prevailing public anger is also against him,” Silva said.

    Asked to comment on his party leaders visiting Galle Face and coming out without incidents, Silva said: “Our party has been there right from the beginning. We have our youth, cultural, student and women wings at the Galle Face. Our leaders did not go there because we did not want to stamp our seal on a people’s struggle. We are part of that struggle. Yet, there was an incident when the SLPP set its goons on the struggle. So, our leaders had to rush there. Leaders have to do that. Our leaders did not go there with escorts of security and VIP vehicles. We went there and saw what happened and supported them in whatever possible manner and left that place. We did not go there to mark our presence. The Opposition Leader and others have been rejected by the people because they too are responsible for the crisis, and on the other hand their intentions are to score political points.”