How many Sri Lankans did the British kill – even Prabakaran was an angel compared to Governor Brownrigg

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The US has outsourced 2021 Resolution against Sri Lanka to its poodle UK. UK is accusing Sri Lanka of killing 40,000, while this number cannot even be proved by providing even names of the supposed dead even after 12 years, the UK’s killings in then Ceylon over almost 150 years of occupation hasn’t even been acknowledged or apologized. UK should descend from its bogus virtuous ground and come clean on its colonial crimes which are even being burnt to hide the horrors committed in the name of the Queen/King. The killings by British in Ceylon are far more than the killings by even LTTE across 3 decades of terror. Will Britain atone for these murders? Will UN take Britain to the dock for human rights violations, war crimes and crime against humanity? Can Britain with soiled hands covering a history of 500 years colonial rule and Britain’s role in Iraq, Afghanistan and other modern wars/conflicts be a judge when its own sins are not investigated? The travesty of justice is taking place in the UNHRC by the manner UK is heading the Core Group against Sri Lanka hiding its own crimes against the world

The Kandyan Convention was signed in 1815 ceding powers of the entire island of Sri Lanka to the British. Breach of promises assured under the terms of the convention resulted in the natives rebelling against the British. Brownrigg was later to say that he agreed to clause 5 of the Convention assuring the inviolable place for Buddhism only to gain control of the Kingdom. Native Indians declared that the white man speaks with a forked tongue and this proved correct.

Crimes of the British Colonial Army – Madugalle Massacre – 9 Dec 1817

Maj. MacDonald committed arson in Badulla burning down an entire village, which the Governor approved and praised and held as an example to imitate – CO 54/56 7th Nov. 1817

How would UNHRC react to this?

Lt. J. Maclaine of 73 Regiment hung Kandyan prisoners without trial & relished watching them hung while having breakfast.

How would UNHRC react to this?

Uva-wellassa Massacre (1817-1818) – province in the Kingdom of Kandy

The British soldiers were ordered to massacre the male population in Uva.

How would UNHRC react to this?

The British soldiers were ordered to kill all cattle and animals, burn homes & property, destroy the irrigation systems & paddy fields under what is today known as the scorched earth policy.

How would UNHRC react to this?

Lynching Tree by the British – 1818

Paranagama on the Kandy-Badulla pathway was where British had a military post.

Matale Rebellion – 1848

The British were plundering lands under the Crown Lands Ordinance 1840/Wastelands Ordinance.

Agriculture lands were being destroyed and replaced with coffee and later tea. All meant for export. The refusal of the Sinhalese to work on British plantations resulted in importing Tamil coolies from South India.

The British have to also be responsible for the thousands of coolies killed en route in severe conditions.

Martial Law was declared on 29 July 1848 by Governor Torrington when the natives opposed severe taxes.

The British rounded leaders and executed them without trial. British excesses were many.

The Britishmilitary occupied Matale, issued proclamation, confiscated property and shot men without ceremony.  Torrinton, continued martial law about hundred alleged ‘rebels’ were shot or hanged while others were publicly flogged and imprisoned.

Purang Appu and Gongallagoda Banda were shot and a monk Kudapoilla Unnanse was shot under orders of Torrington despite appeals by queens advocate H C Selby. Governor Torrington was the cousin of the UK Prime Minister.

UK has no moral right to be bringing any resolutions without atoning for its sins first. The crimes committed by the British in then Ceylon are far more heinous than the bogus cooked up fabrications on paper.

Many of the supposed-dead may well be living in UK under new names allowed by the British Government. When even after 12 years the accusers cannot produce names of the supposed 40,000 ‘killed’ it more or less showcases there is no case for war crimes against Sri Lanka Armed Forces.

Brownrigg and Torrington have committed far more crimes in then Ceylon that even Prabakaran, that is the truth the UK has to accept!

Shenali D Waduge