Global Terrorism Trends: A Comparative Study of Moscow and Sri Lanka

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The recent terrorist attack in Moscow, where gunmen stormed the Crocus City Hall during a rock concert, has left at least 133 people dead and many more injuredISIS-K, an affiliate of the Islamic State, claimed responsibility for this brutal assault 1. But why would ISIS target Russia, and what implications does this have for global safety and religious communities?

ISIS-K, also known as the Islamic State Khorasan, has consistently attempted terrorist attacks across Europe, including in Russia. In the past year alone, they have planned 21 attacks in nine countries, a significant increase from the previous year 2Despite facing pressure from Afghan Special Forces and American troops, ISIS-K has grown in strength, with thousands of fighters operating in almost every province of Afghanistan 2. If they are indeed behind the Moscow attack, we should be prepared for further attempts not only in Russia but also across Europe.

The attack highlights the immediate and substantial threat posed by ISIS-K. European authorities have arrested operatives associated with this group, emphasizing the need for vigilance 2Earlier this month, the US and other nations shared intelligence about ISIS-K planning attacks in Moscow, which were initially dismissed by Russian authorities 3. Now, the reality of this threat cannot be ignored.

Russia has arrested 11 people, including all four gunmen suspected of carrying out the attack at a crowded concert venue in a Moscow suburb last night. The head of the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has informed President Putin about these developments.

A massive fire is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Sri Lanka, still recovering from the devastating Easter bombings by ISIS-inspired attackers, faces ongoing risks. The bombings targeted Christians but triggered a dangerous backlash against the country’s Muslim community 4. The impact of terrorism extends beyond immediate casualties; it fractures communities, fuels fear, and strains interfaith relations.

In Asia, the effects of terrorism ripple through societies. Countries like Sri LankaIndia, and others grapple with security challenges, religious tensions, and the need for international cooperation. The safety of the world community hinges on collective efforts to combat extremism, promote tolerance, and address root causes.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka, which resulted in the tragic loss of 321 livesThese coordinated attacks targeted churches and hotels, and authorities believe they were in retaliation for the attacks on mosques in New Zealand 1. The National Tawheed Jamath (NTJ) group has been implicated by the Sri Lankan government, although they have not directly claimed responsibility for the bombings. Additionally, there are concerns that the NTJ was planning another set of attacks 2. The investigation into these events continues, and the impact of terrorism extends beyond immediate casualties, affecting communities, interfaith relations, and global safety. 

The Easter bombings in Sri Lanka were a series of coordinated ISIS-related terrorist suicide bombings that occurred on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019. The targets included three churches and three luxury hotels in the commercial capital, Colombo. Here are the key details:

  • Churches Targeted:
    • St. Anthony’s Shrine in Colombo.
    • St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo.
    • Zion Church in Batticaloa.
  • Hotels Bombed:
    • Shangri-La Colombo.
    • Cinnamon Grand Colombo.
    • The Kingsbury.
  • Additional Explosions:
    • Two smaller explosions occurred at a housing complex in Dematagoda and a guest house in Dehiwala.
  • Casualties:
    • A total of 269 people were killed, including at least 45 foreign nationals, three police officers, and eight suicide bombers.
    • Over 500 people were injured.
  • Perpetrators:
    • All eight suicide bombers involved in the attacks were Sri Lankan citizens associated with the National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ), a local militant group with suspected foreign ties.
    • The NTJ was previously known for attacks against Buddhists and Sufis.
  • Motivation:
    • The attack was in retaliation for the Christchurch mosque shootings that occurred in New Zealand a month earlier on March 15, 2019.

The aftermath of these bombings had significant implications for Sri Lanka, affecting interfaith relations, security measures, and global safety concerns

The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka delivered a significant judgment regarding the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings. Here are the key points from the court’s ruling:123.

  1. Negligence and Violation of Fundamental Rights:
    • The court unanimously held that former President Maithripala Sirisena, the former defense secretary, and two other former security and intelligence officials failed to prevent the attacks.
    • Their inaction violated the fundamental rights of the victims and their families.
  2. Compensation Order:
    • Former President Sirisena was ordered to pay $273,300-100 million rupees- from his personal funds to the family members of the victims.
    • The other officials were collectively ordered to pay a total of $574,000.
  3. Establishment of a Victims’ Fund:
    • The court also ordered the creation of a victims’ fund at the Office of Reparation.
    • This fund will investigate any alleged underpayment or nonpayment of compensation.

The Easter bombings had a profound impact on Sri Lanka, affecting interfaith relations, security measures, and global safety concerns. The court’s judgment underscores the need for accountability and vigilance in ensuring national security.

 The attack was also linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) 1The Sri Lankan authorities have been investigating the perpetrators and their connections to prevent further acts of terrorism 1.

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s Concerns:

  • Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith expressed suspicion that the Sri Lankan government may have colluded with the bombers.
  • The Parliament Select Committee (PSC) report recommends action against several top-level officials for their failure to prevent the attacks.
  • These officials include the former President, former Inspector General of Police, former Defense Secretary, and former Chief of Intelligence.
  • Despite having prior information and warnings from Indian intelligence services, they did not take preventive measures.
  • The report suggests that the motivations might have been influenced by electoral gain.

Retaliation and Controversy:

  • On April 23, Sri Lanka’s State Defense Minister, Ruwan Wijewardene, stated that Islamic extremists carried out the attacks in retaliation for the March attack on two mosques in New Zealand.
  • However, this claim has been questioned by New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and analysts.
  • The timing of the attacks suggests they were likely planned before the Christchurch attacks.
  • Security expert Paul Buchanan believes that Christchurch was a convenient justification for pre-existing plans.

ISIS Involvement:

  • The Amaq News Agency, affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIL), claimed responsibility for inspiring the attacks.
  • A photo and video were released showing eight suicide bombers pledging allegiance to ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  • Zahran Hashim of the National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ) was identified as their leader.
  • Amaq emphasized that the attacks were directed against Christians, who are considered to be at war with the organization.

Questions Surrounding Easter Sunday Mass and Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s Response

In the aftermath of the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka, questions have arisen regarding the cancellation of the public Mass on April 21, 2019. Harin Fernando’s statement to the Commission insinuates that the Church was aware of the impending attacks, which may have influenced the decision not to hold the Mass that morning.

Key Points:

  • Public Mass on April 21, 2019:
    • Was a public Mass scheduled to be held on April 21, 2019?
    • If so, why was it cancelled?
  • Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith’s Role:
    • Cardinal Ranjith presided over the Easter Vigil service at midnight on April 20, 2019.
    • The Easter Sunday festive Mass at St. Lucia’s Cathedral in Colombo 13 followed, ending in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The auxiliary bishops, Maxwell Silva, Anton Ranjith, and J. D. Anthony Jayakody, have issued a statement denying any insinuation by Harin Fernando. They emphasize that Cardinal Ranjith indeed conducted the Easter Vigil and festive Mass as part of the solemn celebrations.

Extract from More Expert : Questions Surrounding Easter Sunday Mass :

  1. Bathurdeen’s Brother:
    • He was deported from Dubai and arrested by CCD on 25th April 2019.
    • His connection with the suicide bombers needs further investigation.
  2. Moh. Zanus (Bathurdeen’s Coordinating Secretary):
    • Arrested on 30 April 2019.
    • Chairman of the Mantai West Cooperative Society.
  3. Alahudeen (Bathurdeen’s Uncle):
    • ACMC Treasurer.
    • His daughter was married to suicide bomber Ilham, who died in the Dematagoda house blast.
  4. Negombo Deputy Major:
    • Arrested and found in possession of a sword, dagger, and 37 mobile phone batteries.
  5. Chandrika Bandaranaike’s Statement (28 April 2019):
    • Arabic & Madrassas schools are allegedly teaching extremism
    • Evidence and registration status need to be investigated.
  6. MP Dayasiri Jayasekera’s allegation on 29th April that Muslim Affairs Minister Haleem allowed construction of 400 NTJ mosques & where these mosques are located & who is funding them
  7. Why yahapalana neglected national security

The Easter bombings had a profound impact on Sri Lanka, affecting interfaith relations, security measures, and global safety concerns.

The similarity between the attacks in Sri Lanka and Russia lies in their targeting of vulnerable communities during significant events. In Sri Lanka, the choice of targets aimed to strike at the heart of Sri Lanka’s Christian community and its tourism industry. In Russia, the choice of a public gathering highlights the vulnerability of civilians during events that bring people together.

As of 2021, the Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization conducted 2,705 attacks worldwideThis number is roughly similar to the 2,781 attacks they carried out in 202012. It’s important to note that these attacks have had significant global implications and underscore the ongoing threat posed by extremist groups. 

Enhancing national security is crucial for any country. In the context of Sri Lanka, addressing security threats, including the presence of ISIS, is essential to safeguard citizens and maintain stability. The recent history of the 2019 Easter bombings in Sri Lanka highlights the importance of vigilance and effective counterterrorism measures. Similarly, the recent ISIS-K attack in Moscow underscores the need for global cooperation in combating terrorism. Governments, Citizen must remain vigilant, share intelligence , and take proactive steps to prevent such attacks. Every citizen must be a security watchful eye for their nation.

Whatever judgment we hold as individuals may not be sufficient to counter terrorism. It requires collective effort from all of us. Terrorism is not limited to any specific religion—whether Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Christian. Our shared goal should be to build a peaceful society that respects each country’s constitution, rather than getting entangled in religious doctrines or social conflicts that lead to acts of violence or revenge. We have a duty to protect humanity, including even those who have been misled into desperate lives as terrorists. After all, their family members also live in the same civilized world. Our responsibility extends not only to humans but also to the animals that share our planet.

As we commemorate the victims in Moscow, we must remain vigilant, strengthen intelligence sharing, and foster understanding among religious groups. Terrorism knows no borders, and our response must be equally global.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.” — Buddha

Editorial: “Article Contributed by multiple experts Analysis.” – Cockpit News and Ceylon Diary:

Writing for a Peaceful, Joyful, Mindful, and Constitutionally Respecting Civilization