Thu. Jan 9th, 2025
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Conversation in a forest solitude in Sri Lanka.
Listen to this conversation happened in between a Dutch monk and a Sri Lankan monk in a forest solitude in Sri Lanka.
D. monk: Look at this solitude. It gives us inner peace and it’s very attractive.
S. monk: In ancient Sri Lanka, peace was every where.
D. monk: I think it was so.
S. monk: You people are the ones destroyed that peace as Sri Lanka was a colony of yours.
D. monk: After a little lull, did I or did you destroy the country’s peace in that time?
Look at this answer!
Think a bit!
Answer is very deep.
Do you know what he said?
It’s a story of a SANSARIC life. See! At the Dutch era, Sri Lankan monk might have been working in Dutch army as a Dutch soldier and working in Sri Lanka, might have been involving in this destruction and Dutch monk may be a Sri Lankan soldier whom fought against Dutch regime against this destruction or vice versa.
Look! What the Dutch monk said was absolutely true. You cannot say by whom involved in this process of destruction in that era. It’s a raw of births and does not have an end. If you have a knowledge called “PUBBENIWASANUSSATHI GNANA”, you can see millions and millions of your previous births just like a cinema you watch.

  1. The branded enemy of you in this life, maybe your father in a previous life.
  2. The girl you crave for SEX in this life, maybe your mother in a previous life.
  3. The roasted chicken placed on the table for you to taste maybe your brother in a previous life.
  4. The cattle you go to kill for flesh maybe your sister in a previous life.
    Buddha said that all, in this universe ,(all creatures) do have a relationship to you in a one of the previous births as father, mother, brother, sister, etc. none can be found out that has no relationship to you in a previous life.
    But this truth is hidden in you due to the “KLESHA” or mental defilement you have.
    So when you raise your hand to harass or kill a one, be careful in next time, because he maybe a closest relation of you in a previous birth.
    Be sympathetic to all.

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